ده مقاله برتر Visual Studio Magazine از سری "چگونه" در سال 2012
این ده مقاله به شرح زیر می‌باشند:

10) Practical .NET: Powerful JavaScript With Upshot and Knockout
The Microsoft JavaScript Upshot library provides a simplified API for retrieving data from the server and caching it at the client for reuse. Coupled with Knockout, the two JavaScript libraries form the pillars of the Microsoft client-side programming model.

9) On VB: Database Synchronization with the Microsoft Sync Framework
The Microsoft Sync Framework is a highly flexible framework for synchronizing files and data between a client and a master data store. With great flexibility often comes complexity and confusion, however.

8) C# Corner: Performance Tips for Asynchronous Development in C#
Visual Studio Async is a powerful development framework, but it's important to understand how it works to avoid performance hits.

7) 2 Great JavaScript Data-Binding Libraries
JavaScript libraries help you build powerful, data-driven HTML5 apps.

6) On VB: Entity Framework Code-First Migrations
Code First Migrations allow for database changes to be implemented all through code. Through the use of Package Manager Console (PMC), commands can be used to scaffold database changes.

5) C# Corner: The New Read-Only Collections in .NET 4.5
Some practical uses for the long-awaited interfaces, IReadOnlyList and IReadOnlyDictionary, in .NET Framework 4.5.

4) C# Corner: Building a Windows 8 RSS Reader
Eric Vogel walks through a soup-to-nuts demo for building a Metro-style RSS reader.

3) C# Corner: The Build Pattern in .NET
How to separate complex object construction from its representation using the Builder design pattern in C#.

2) Inside Visual Studio 11: A Guided Tour
Visual Studio 2012 (code-named Visual Studio 11 then) is packed with new features to help you be a more efficient, productive developer. Here's your guided tour.

1) HTML5 for ASP.NET Developers
The technologies bundled as HTML5 finally support what developers have been trying to get HTML to do for decades.


ده مقاله برتر Visual Studio Magazine از سری "چگونه" در سال 2012
مشاهده EntityValidationErrors

If Entity Framework throws a validation exception when saving, Visual Studio reports the message, 

مشاهده EntityValidationErrors
مواردی که در Entity Framework Core 7.0 اضافه خواهد شد

Plan for Entity Framework Core 7.0

در این لینک، لیستی از مواردی که در EF Core 7 اضافه خواهد شد را می‌توانید ملاحظه کنید.

از مهم‌ترین آن‌ها می‌توان به Distributed transactions   اشاره کرد.

همچنین اسم EF Core 7 بصورت خلاصه EF7 نامیده می‌شود.

مواردی که در Entity Framework Core 7.0 اضافه خواهد شد
نظرات مطالب
رویه های ذخیره شده خوب یا بد؟!
نکته دیگر آنکه بدلیل Pre-Compiled بودن SP‌ها و همچنین کَش شدن Execution Plan آنها، اندکی با سرعت بالاتری اجرا میشوند.  
در SQL Server این مورد برای کوئری‌های پارامتری هم صدق می‌کند (مانند کوئری‌های حاصل از ORMها که با sp_executesql هم همراه هستند) و منحصر به SPها نیست. همچنین در بدترین حالت میشه کوئری‌های غیرپارامتری رو هم پارامتری پردازش کرد: بهبود کارآیی برنامه‌های قدیمی که از SQL Server استفاده می‌کنند  
انتشار ویژوال استدیو ۲۰۲۲ نگارش 17.5

For .NET and cloud developers, we’ve focused on improving the inner-loop dev experience. New .http/.rest files make it easier to test and iterate on your APIs directly in Visual Studio, while improved Dev Tunnels help streamline the configuration and management of your webhooks. We’ve also made it easier than ever to deploy your ASP.NET apps to containers.

Game developers can now view properties from base classes modified in an Unreal Blueprint asset without leaving the IDE. Visual Studio has improved the cross-platform development experience with a new remote file explorer, Linux Console output to the Integrated Terminal window, dev container improvements, and more.

Beyond individuals, Visual Studio also has new features to better support dev teams at scale, with exportable configuration files and a persistent update toggle helping ensure everyone on your team is working from the latest version of the tool.

This blog covers several of the top new features in Visual Studio 17.5—to see some in action, watch the Visual Studio 17.5 release video. As always lot of these features come straight from your feedback and suggestions. Your feedback is critical to help us make Visual Studio the best tool it can be! 

انتشار ویژوال استدیو ۲۰۲۲ نگارش 17.5
مقایسه Dapper ، Entity Framework ، ADO.NET

We're going to use Dapper.NET on our project; that much is not in doubt. However, we're not going to start development with it, and it will not be the only ORM in use. The plan is to develop this project using Entity Framework, and later optimize to use Dapper.NET in certain scenarios where the system needs a performance boost. 

مقایسه Dapper ، Entity Framework ، ADO.NET
لینک‌های هفته‌ی آخر دی

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