غروب log4net

As of April 1, 2020 Log4Net is a dormant project of Apache Logging Services. The dormant status means the project has been classified as inactive since it has had no recent development activity and there are no active volunteers to perform code reviews, commit code, or perform releases. Although it is possible volunteers might choose to participate in the future, it is best to assume there will be not future development or releases. 


غروب log4net
چند نکته درباره HTML

A while ago I wrote an article with some CSS tips, now it’s time to give some polish to our HTML! In this article I’ll share some tips and advice about HTML code. Some of this guidance will be best suited for beginners – how to properly build paragraphs, use headings, or improve forms, but we will also discuss SVG sprites for icons, a somewhat more advanced topic. 

چند نکته درباره HTML
9 کتابخانه جاوااسکریپتی جهت ایجاد نمودار
 So you have in your hand tons of data, with a number of variables, that you have to somehow relay to somebody else. Raw, unorganized data is going to be difficult for them to understand. This is why you need help from charts. In web design, charts are one of the best tools for data visualization. It is easy to read, easy on the eyes and relatively easy to set up. 
9 کتابخانه جاوااسکریپتی جهت ایجاد نمودار
نظرات مطالب
یکدست کردن "ی" و "ک" در ASP.NET MVC با پیاده‌سازی یک Model Binder
معادل این مطلب برای ASP.NET Core 6x
- روش Model binder دیگر با نگارش‌های جدیدتر ASP.NET Core کار نمی‌کند و همچنین محدودیت‌های زیادی هم مانند عدم پشتیبانی از پارامترهای [FromBody] را دارد؛ چون بکارگیری [FromBody]، استفاده‌ی از تمام Model binders سفارشی را لغو می‌کند.
- در حال حاضر، استفاده از روش Action filters توصیه می‌شود که به این نحو قابل ثبت است.
مسیر راه ASP.NET Core 2.1

The following high-level features are planned for the ASP.NET Core 2.1 release:

SignalR - Real-time web framework on ASP.NET Core (aspnet/SignalR#394)
HTTPS - On by default and easy to configure (aspnet/Home#2308)
GDPR compliance - Templates updated with new privacy features (aspnet/Security#1561, aspnet/Identity#1341)
Web API conventions - Rich Swagger support without attributes (aspnet/Mvc#6870, aspnet/Mvc#6784)
IHttpClientFactory - HttpClient as a service, handle cross-cutting concerns like caching, retry logic, timeouts and circuit breakers (aspnet/HttpClientFactory#42)
ASP.NET Core Module in-proc hosting - 6x the throughput on IIS! Better startup error handling (aspnet/AspNetCoreModule#265)
Razor pages improvements - Support for areas, ~/Pages/Shared (aspnet/Mvc#6926, aspnet/Mvc#7193)
MVC functional test fixture - Easily test your MVC apps end-to-end (aspnet/Mvc#6233)
Build-time Razor - Compile Razor pages and views as part of your build, improved startup performance (aspnet/Razor#1809)
UI as a library - Package Razor pages and views as reusable libraries (aspnet/Razor#1809)
Identity UI package and scaffolder - Add identity to any application (aspnet/Home#2311)
WebHooks - Handle WebHook notifications from ASP.NET Core apps (aspnet/WebHooks#5)

مسیر راه ASP.NET Core 2.1