پروژه TechDebtAttributes

Add attributes to your production code where you find technical debt that you can not currently fix

پروژه TechDebtAttributes
نظرات مطالب
آپلود فایل‌ها توسط برنامه‌های React به یک سرور ASP.NET Core به همراه نمایش درصد پیشرفت
Don’t call Hooks from regular JavaScript functions. Instead, you can:

    ✅ Call Hooks from React function components.
    ✅ Call Hooks from custom Hooks (we’ll learn about them on the next page).
انتشار PostSharp 6.0 RC

PostSharp 6.0 is the biggest refactoring since the 2.0 version released in July 2010. For a good cause: PostSharp 6.0 now runs natively in .NET Core 2.0. Previous versions of PostSharp executed only under .NET Framework at build time and the support for .NET Core was achieved by using a load of hacks that ended up being unmaintainable, warranting this big refactoring.

Let’s have a look at the new features of PostSharp 6.0 :

  • Support for .NET Core 2.0-2.1 and .NET Standard 2.0.
  • Support for Portable PDB.
  • Support for C# 7.2.
  • Ending the PostSharp versioning hell side-by-side: backward compatibility within the same major version.
  • Logging: robustness to faults in the logging subsystem.
  • Logging: no need to initialize before the first logged method is hit.
  • Caching: preventing concurrent execution (locking).
  • Visual Studio tooling: support for the new CPS-based project systems.
  • GDPR compliance: we no longer collect your name and email for trial, nor use unsecure HTTP, nor use non-resettable user id hashes. 
انتشار PostSharp 6.0 RC
نصب pgadmin در سیستم عامل ubuntu

How to Install pgAdmin4 on Ubuntu 20.04/18.04/16.04?. This post has been written primarily to guide new users on installing pgAdmin 4 on Ubuntu 20.04/18.04/16.04. pgAdmin is a feature-rich and open source PostgreSQL administration and development platform that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows.

With pgAdmin you can manage PostgreSQL database servers, from version 9.2 using an intuitive and powerful web interface. We have guides on installing pgAdmin 4 on other platforms. 

نصب pgadmin در سیستم عامل ubuntu
لغو درخواستهای http در ASP.NET Core با CancellationToken

longer importantIt is quite a possible situation to have a user navigating to the client application’s page that sends an HTTP request to the server. While our app processing the request, a user can navigate away from that page. In such a case, we want to cancel the HTTP request since the response is no  to that user. 

لغو درخواستهای http در ASP.NET Core با CancellationToken
بهبود کارآیی و کاهش مصرف حافظه‌ی Stack Overflow با ارتقاء از NET 4.6.2. به NET 5.0.

"We migrated Stack Overflow's ad server from .NET 4.6.2 to .NET 5.0 and we are testing it on a canary server in production. We are seeing big improvements in memory usage and in server response times. It wasn't the main goal of the migration, but definitely a nice to have" / Twitter 

بهبود کارآیی و کاهش مصرف حافظه‌ی Stack Overflow با ارتقاء از NET 4.6.2. به NET 5.0.
معرفی و بررسی روش فعالسازی Bazel در Angular 8

Try Bazel’s opt-in preview in Angular CLI

In Google we build all our software with a tool called Bazel. We’ve been using it for the past over 12 years to build projects with any size — from small internal apps, to large applications such as Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Cloud Console. 

معرفی و بررسی روش فعالسازی Bazel در Angular 8
بازخوردهای پروژه‌ها
عدم ارسال ایمیل در هاست
با سلام وتشکر از پروژه خوب شما
من از کدهای ایمیل شما استفاده کردم در لوکال هاست به درستی کار میکند و ایمیل ارسال میشود ولی در هاست ایمیل ارسال نمیشود و(البته پیغام ارسال شدن کد رو نیز میدهد) من از جیمیل برای ارسال ایمیل استفاده کردم و گوگل ایمیل زیر رو برام ارسال کرد
Someone recently used your password to try to sign in to your Google Account 
This person was using an application such as an email client or mobile device. 

We prevented the sign-in attempt in case this was a hijacker trying to access your account. Please review the details of the sign-in attempt: 

if you do not recognize this sign-in attempt, someone else might be trying to access your account. You should sign in to your account and reset your password immediately.
به نظرتون چرا در هاست از ارسال ایمیل جلوگیری میکنه؟
آیا باید در هاست تنظیمات دیگری رو نیز اعمال کنیم؟
با تشکر
بررسی معماری Vertical Slice در ASP.NET Core

In this article, we are going to learn about Vertical Slice Architecture in ASP.NET Core and the benefits it provides to make our code more maintainable. We’re also going to learn how it differs from traditional architecture and its advantages over the traditional approach. 

بررسی معماری Vertical Slice در ASP.NET Core