ReSharper 2022.1 منتشر شد
  • We have two new refactorings for global usings, Extract Global Using and Inline Global Using, with Find Usages support for this feature.
  • For nullable reference types, we’ve split the “should never be null” warning into two categories: one for those who look at NRT annotation and one for those who have a runtime check for null. We’ve also added a setting to enable runtime enforced not null warnings only, and supported [MemberNotNull] and [MemberNotNullWhen] annotations.
  • We’ve implemented generic attributes support for C#11. 
ReSharper 2022.1 منتشر شد
سری بررسی مهم‌ترین مفاهیم طراحی سیستم‌ها

system design tutorials
7 videos
This series of videos covers of the the most important concepts related to system design, with a focus on practical system design knowledge for interviews. These system design videos cover topics like vertical vs horizontal scaling, load balancers, database design and scaling, caching, back of the envelope math for estimating capacity requirements for a system, an introduction to distributed systems, and some system design interview style questions walking through a full design implementation


سری بررسی مهم‌ترین مفاهیم طراحی سیستم‌ها
بررسی تغییرات C# 11

Exploring the Features of C# 11: The Modern Capabilities of a Vibrant Language [Webinar]
C# has evolved long since its introduction about 20 years ago. In this live-coding presentation, learn about the fascinating features of the most recent version of the language. We will explore the most interesting features, their power, and how we can benefit from them to create concise, expressive, and maintainable code. 

بررسی تغییرات C# 11
پیاده سازی ساده‌ی سیستم احراز هویت مرکزی Keycloak در دات‌نت به کمک Keycloak.AuthServices
Keycloak.AuthServices provides robust authentication mechanisms for both web APIs and web applications. For web APIs, it supports JWT Bearer token authentication, which allows clients to authenticate to the API by providing a JWT token in the Authorization header of their requests. For web applications, it supports OpenID Connect, a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, which allows clients to verify the identity of the end-user, obtain basic profile information about the end-user, etc.
پیاده سازی ساده‌ی سیستم احراز هویت مرکزی Keycloak در دات‌نت به کمک Keycloak.AuthServices
Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1 منتشر شد

This is the first release of a 64-bit Visual Studio and we’d love for you to download it, try it out, and join us in shaping the next major release of Visual Studio with your feedback. 

Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1 منتشر شد
ویدیوهای Visual Studio 2019 Launch Event

Learn about how Visual Studio 2019 is more productive, modern, and innovative, participate in live Q&As, and be the first to take the latest version for a spin. 

ویدیوهای Visual Studio 2019 Launch Event
سایتی برای پادکست های سخت افزاری

Hanselminutes and CodeNewbie are teaming up to produce two episodes a week for the month of March, featuring incredible makers in the hardware space.
There will be new content every weekday in March, so subscribe and join us daily.  

سایتی برای پادکست های سخت افزاری
کارآیی JavaScript بر روی گوشی‌های اندرویدی، 7 برابر کمتر از نمونه‌ی iOS ای است

This is just terrible for the web. When there's a 7x difference between the JS performance on a BRAND NEW PIXEL and a new iPhone, web app makers just have to approach the whole game differentially. I mean, the Pixel 5 is FIVE YEARS behind the performance game. 

کارآیی JavaScript بر روی گوشی‌های اندرویدی، 7 برابر کمتر از نمونه‌ی iOS ای است
کتاب Gulp Succinctly

Gulp is an easy-to learn, easy-to-use JavaScript task runner that has become an industry standard. This book offers an entry to Gulp for experienced developers. Author Kris van der Mast offers practical examples and clear descriptions, making Gulp Succinctly the perfect entry point for developers interested in Gulp. 

کتاب Gulp Succinctly