صدور Exception یا بازگشت Result به عنوان خروجی متد، برای رسیدگی به خطاها


It’s pretty easy to differentiate use cases for Result and exceptions. Whenever the failure is something you expect and know how to deal with – catch it at the lowest level possible and convert into a Result instance. If you don’t know how to deal with it – let it propagate and interrupt the current business operation. Don’t catch exceptions you don’t know what to do about. 

صدور Exception یا بازگشت Result به عنوان خروجی متد، برای رسیدگی به خطاها
اضافه کردن HTTPS به وب سایت

For a good and secure web – and also for faster performance, new APIs on the web such as Service Workers, better search ranking and more – using HTTPS for your web site is key. I’ll walk you through how to easily get started with that here. 

اضافه کردن HTTPS  به وب سایت
نظرات مطالب
استفاده از pjax بجای ajax در ASP.NET MVC
با سلام
از کمک شما ممنون
بالاخره خطا رو پیدا کردم
The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered for the layout page "~/Views/Shared/_PjaxLayout.cshtml": "Scripts".
ولی دلیلش چی می‌تونه باشه مگه فقط نمیاد قسمت مثلا main در کد زیر را جایگذاری کنه؟
<div id="main">
//********** @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery")
@RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)
و برای فراخوانی لینک‌های pjax نوشته شده:
<script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
            $(document).pjax('a[withpjax]', '#main', { timeout: 5000 });

و لینک هم به اینصورت:
@Html.ActionLink("ارتباط با ما","Contact", "Home"
                                      , null,new { withpjax="with-pjax" })

NuGet 3.2 منتشر شد

  There are fixes available for a number of blocking issues and adds support for push and list for compliant V3 servers. We also added support for the command line client to interact with v3 servers as well as project.json managed projects.

NuGet 3.2 منتشر شد
معرفی abp.io زیرساختی آماده جهت راه اندازی پروژه های asp.net core

This project is the next generation of the ASP.NET Boilerplate web application framework.

Modular Architecture
Designed as modular and extensible from the bottom to the top.

Microservice Focused
Designed to support microservice architecture and helps to build autonomous microservices.

Domain Driven Design
Designed and developed based on DDD patterns and principles. Provides a layered model for your application.

Advanced authorization with user, role and fine-grained permission system. Built on the Microsoft Identity library.

SaaS applications made easy! Integrated multi-tenancy from database to UI.

Cross Cutting Concerns
Complete infrastructure for authorization, validation, exception handling, caching, audit logging, transaction management and so on. 

معرفی abp.io زیرساختی آماده جهت راه اندازی پروژه های asp.net core
مقایسه React و Angular 4

When you start working on a new web application you will probably need to analyze different tools to deal with the different functionalities that you have to work on. As soon as you start searching for alternatives you are going to run across Angular and React, they are without any doubt two of the major options to consider, at least till today.

مقایسه React و Angular 4