معرفی NET Community Toolkit.

CommunityToolkit/dotnet: .NET Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers and APIs that work for all .NET developers and are agnostic of any specific UI platform. The toolkit is part of the .NET Foundation. 

معرفی NET Community Toolkit.
پروژه‌ی Silver

Silver is a free implementation of Apple's Swift programming language.

With Silver, you can use Swift to write code directly against the .NET, Java, Android and Cocoa APIs. And you can also share a lot of non-UI code between platforms. 

پروژه‌ی Silver
بررسی NET Standard.


There has been a lot of talk lately about .NET Standard, both in the community and on Channel 9. But there is also still confusion about it. In this episode, Kathleen Dollard clears up some of this confusion. She and Robert chat about why .NET Standard was created, as well as how and when you should take advantage of it.  

بررسی NET Standard.
پایان Visual Studio for Mac
Microsoft would never say it, of course, but truly the best “alternative solution” is Jetbrains Rider. It's head and shoulders above VS for Mac in every way. I learn more C# features through its recommendations than even reading Microsoft's development docs.
پایان Visual Studio for Mac
نظرات مطالب
شروع به کار با EF Core 1.0 - قسمت 3 - انتقال مهاجرت‌ها به یک اسمبلی دیگر
یک نکته‌ی تکمیلی
اگر پس از مهاجرت به VS 2017، خطای ذیل را در حین اجرای مهاجرت‌ها مشاهده کردید:
error MSB4006: There is a circular dependency in the target dependency graph involving target "GetEFProjectMetadata"
الف) اسمبلی‌های ختم به Design و Tools باید دارای ویژگی "PrivateAssets="All شوند (میدان دید محدود به اسمبلی جاری) تا مشکلات circular dependency را ایجاد نکنند. یک نمونه 
ب) اگر در دستورات شما «configuration Release--» وجود دارد، آن‌را حذف کنید و نیازی به آن نیست؛ چون به صورت خودکار توسط MSBuild مدیریت می‌شود.

نمونه‌ای از تغییرات مورد نیاز جهت رفع این مشکل
کتاب C# Code Contracts Succinctly

Developed by Microsoft’s Research in Software Engineering, Code Contracts provide a way to convey code assumptions in your .NET applications. They can take the form of preconditions, postconditions, and state invariants. In C# Code Contracts Succinctly, author Dirk Strauss demonstrates how to use Code Contracts to validate logical correctness in code, how they can be integrated with abstract classes and interfaces, and even how they can be used to make writing documentation less painful.

کتاب C# Code Contracts Succinctly
نگاهی به ویژگی‌های Rider

I must say that Rider is pretty impressive. Not only does it offer most features of Visual Studio, even of quite expensive editions, but it even has more.  

نگاهی به ویژگی‌های Rider
مدرسه هوش مصنوعی

Dive in and learn how to start building intelligence into your solutions with the Microsoft AI platform, including pre-trained AI services like Cognitive Services and Bot Framework, as well as deep learning tools like Azure Machine Learning, Visual Studio Code Tools for AI, and Cognitive Toolkit. Our platform enables any developer to code in any language and infuse AI into your apps. Whether your solutions are existing or new, this is the intelligence platform to build on.  

مدرسه هوش مصنوعی