روش مهاجرت از Moq به NSubstitute

Unit testing is an integral part of modern software development. For years, Moq has been a popular choice in the .NET ecosystem for creating mock objects. Recent concerns over Moq’s SponsorLink feature have prompted some developers to consider such a switch. In this article, we delve into why you might consider NSubstitute over Moq and how to make the transition. 

روش مهاجرت از Moq به NSubstitute
Ruby On Rails یکی از پر مخاطب ترین زبان های برنامه نویسی در سال 2016

When Ruby on Rails, a web application framework written in the Ruby programming language, was first released as open source back in July 2004, it stumbled to rise in the rankings as one of the top programming languages. But in 2006, Apple announced that it would be shipping Ruby on Rails with their Mac OS X v10.5 “Leopard” and Ruby soon became known and used by many. So much so, that the TIOBE index, a measure of the popularity of programming languages, named Ruby the “Programming Language of 2006.” However, due to some scalability issues and the release of other exciting new tools, such as Node.js and AngularJS, Ruby started to lose its popularity and by 2008 it seemed as if it was on its way out. 

Ruby On Rails یکی از پر مخاطب ترین زبان های برنامه نویسی در سال 2016
نظرات مطالب
یکپارچه سازی Angular CLI و ASP.NET Core در VS 2017
همون جور که توضیح داده بودید dotnet watch run رو اجرا کردیم و پروژه روی پورت 5000 اجرا شد و بعد وقتی این دستور رو میزنیم ng serve --proxy-config proxy.config.json -o 
این خطا رو میده
Port 5000 is already in use. Use '--port' to specify a different port.
مگه میشه دوتا برنامه رو روی یک پورت اجرا کرد؟
سوالاتی که قبل از مهاجرت به کلاد باید از خود بپرسید

Cloud Computing is currently the hot topic in the developer world these days, and it seems all anyone wants to talk about is the cloud. If you're like me you signed up for something like Windows Azure just to see what the hype was all about. There are a lot of good reasons to move an app to the cloud, but it's still not for everyone. There are some things you need to think about before taking this gamble with your app.  

سوالاتی که قبل از مهاجرت به کلاد باید از خود بپرسید
بازخوردهای دوره
تزریق خودکار وابستگی‌ها در برنامه‌های ASP.NET Web forms
با سلام؛ من در ویندوز اپلیکیشن ازاین ساختار استفاده میکنم و از فرم‌های Devexpress استفاده میکنم .
در کلاس BasePage  روی دستور  ObjectFactory this خطای زیر رو میده
 An unhandled exception of type 'StructureMap.StructureMapException' occurred in StructureMap.dll
Additional information: Error in the application.
نحوه ساخت قالبهای سفارشی DotNET Core در 4 گام

Learn how you can save time by creating your own reusable .NET Core templates in just a few steps.

Do you ever develop prototypes, or starter projects/accelerators, that you’d like to use again in the future? A good way to do that is by creating custom templates for dotnet. Once completed, anytime you want to create a new project of that type in the future, you can key in “dotnet new ” and you’re off, complete with correct namespaces. You can even do conditional checks, or variable replacements. 

نحوه ساخت قالبهای سفارشی DotNET Core در 4 گام