بررسی TypeScript
Mohamed Hegazy provides a guided tour to TypeScript, showing how the language and toolset simplify application-scale JavaScript development 
بررسی TypeScript
Deno؛ پروژه‌ی جدید خالق Node.js

Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js, is currently working on Deno, a new runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, built using V8, TypeScript, and Rust. A 30-minute overview talk. 

Deno؛ پروژه‌ی جدید خالق Node.js
تازه ها در TypeScript
TypeScript continues its growth journey with more and more JavaScript developers and framework authors taking advantage of the excellent tooling and productivity boost that TypeScript provides in order to create apps that scale. In this session, we talk about the Typescript journey with a focus on some of the most exciting recent features and a preview of things to come. Apart from the language and tools enhancements, see efforts already underway to bring some of the power of TypeScript to existing JavaScript projects. 
تازه ها در TypeScript
معرفی TypeScript 2 توسط Anders Hejlsberg

In this video Anders Hejlsberg spends some time discussing TypeScript. He starts with the reasons behind creating TypeScript (the so called elevator speech) and then moves on to some of the features coming in the next release. He mentions a number of features but spends the time discussing the null (and corresponding undefined) types and how TypeScript 2 makes handling them much easier. 

معرفی TypeScript 2 توسط Anders Hejlsberg
کنفرانس Build 2017 بررسی Angular و TypeScript
 In this session, learn why the Angular team uses Typescript to develop at scale inside Google, and how Typescript and Angular work together to provide a powerful platform for your developers and great experiences for your users.  
کنفرانس Build 2017  بررسی Angular و TypeScript
سایتی رسمی TypeScript

TypeScript lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to.

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.

Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open Source. 

سایتی رسمی  TypeScript
13.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
13.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
هزینه واقعی توسعه UI در دات نت
The purpose of these experiments is to show that everything has a cost
If you use C#/XAML the cost is performance but you gain a vast amount of capability out of the box
If you use C++/DirectX the cost is increased effort and development time but you gain the best performance and so forth  
هزینه واقعی توسعه UI در دات نت
دوره 4 ساعته TypeScript
TypeScript Full Course - From Beginner to Advanced

Welcome to the full TypeScript course from a beginner level all the way down to an advanced level. Throughout the next few hours, you'll learn all of the major features of TypeScript and then apply your knowledge by working through a practice project at the end of the course.

⏳ Timestamps ⏳
00:00:00 | Introduction
00:01:01 | 1.1 - Dynamic vs Static Typing
00:13:47 | 1.2 - Introduction to TypeScript
00:18:15 | 1.3 - TypeScript Setup
00:34:42 | 1.4 - tsconfig
00:41:51 | 2.1 - Primitive Types
00:50:23 | 2.2 - Arrays & Tuples
00:58:48 | 2.3 - Enums & Literals
01:08:44 | 2.4 - Any, Unknown & Type Casts
01:17:55 | 2.5 - Optional Chaining and Bang
01:24:45 | 3.1 - Basic Function Types
01:40:22 | 3.2 - Advanced Function Types
01:48:05 | 3.3 - Interfaces
01:55:57 | 4.1 - Classes & Abstract Classes
02:10:30 | 4.2 - Classes & Interfaces
02:21:15 | 4.3 - Static Attributes & Methods
02:25:37 | 4.4 - Generics
02:32:26 | 5.1 - Type Aliases
02:36:48 | 5.2 - Union & Intersection
02:42:09 | 5.3 - Type Guards
02:49:13 | 5.4 - Discriminated Unions
02:53:42 | 5.5 - Utility Types
02:59:06 | 6.1 - Modules (Import/Export)
03:14:29 | 6.2 - Namespaces
03:19:46 | 7.1 - Project Walkthrough
03:33:25 | 7.2 - Project Solution

دوره 4 ساعته TypeScript