نگاهی به ویژگی‌های C++17
std::for_each(std::par, first, last,
    [](auto& x){ process(x); }
std::copy(std::par, first, last, output);
std::sort(std::par, first, last);
std::transform(std::par_unseq, xfirst, xlast, yfirst,
    [=](double xi, double yi){ return a * xi + yi; }
نگاهی به ویژگی‌های C++17
نگاهی دیگر به زبان #C

C# runs great on Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS (oh, and Windows); is targeted by your favorite editor; rests on a rock solid, time-tested industrial grade platform; and is open source. You want to because C# is an industry leader in language innovation, is your best option for native cross-platform mobile apps, and is toolable beyond compare.  

نگاهی دیگر به زبان #C
نگاهی به NET Standard 2.0.

.NET Core is clearly where Microsoft is investing most of its effort right now and while it's taken a while, I think MS is proving that they are serious in making .NET the best platform it can be 

نگاهی به NET Standard 2.0.