بررسی چالش‌های استفاده از UTC و TimeZones در برنامه‌های تحت وب مبتنی‌بر ‪.NET

Using UTC in Applications

Using UTC dates for data is a pretty common and necessary practice but it definitely adds some complexity when managing dates as you always have to remember to properly adjust dates. For display purposes this is pretty straight forward, but for query operations there’s a bit of mental overhead to ensure your date math adds up properly.

No easy solutions, but I hope this post and some of the helpers make life a little easier for you – I know they do for me. 

بررسی چالش‌های استفاده از UTC و TimeZones در برنامه‌های تحت وب مبتنی‌بر ‪.NET
کتابخانه At.js
Add Github like mentions autocomplete to your application.  Demo
  • Support IE 7+ for textarea.
  • Supports HTML5 contentEditable elements (NOT including IE 8)
  • Can listen to any character and not just '@'. Can set up multiple listeners for different characters with different behavior and data
  • Listener events can be bound to multiple inputors.
  • Format returned data using templates
  • Keyboard controls in addition to mouse
    • Tab or Enter keys select the value
    • Up and Down navigate between values (and Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N also)
    • Right and left will re-search the keyword.
  • Custom data handlers and template renderers using a group of configurable callbacks
  • Supports AMD
کتابخانه At.js
زیرنویس فارسی ویدئوهای مقدمات AngularJS - قسمت پنجم
زیرنویس‌های فارسی قسمت پنجم را از اینجا می‌توانید دانلود کنید.
لیست سرفصل‌های قسمت پنجم به شرح زیر است:
01-Introduction to Directives
02-Demo. Creating Your First Directive
03-Demo. Domain Specific Language via Custom Elements
04-Demo. Isolating Directive Scope
05-Demo. Exploring Isolate Scope Bindings
06-Demo. Handling Events with Directives
07-Demo. Observing and Responding to Changes
08-Demo. Using Controllers within Directives
09-Demo. Sharing Directive Controllers via Require
10-Demo. Directive Priority and using Terminal
11-Demo. Using Require with Nested Directives
12-Demo. Understanding Transclusion
13-Demo. Using Compile to Transform the DOM
14-Demo. Making jQuery More Explicit with Directives
در این قسمت به مبحث ایجاد دایرکتیوهای سفارشی پرداخته می‌شود. دایرکتیوها در واقع مهمترین قسمت هر برنامه انگولار هستند. انگولار به صورت توکار شامل تعداد زیادی دایرکتیو می‌باشد. در واقع می‌توانیم بگوئیم دایرکتیو می‌تواند یک سینتکس جدید باشد که دارای یک رفتار مخصوص می‌باشد. برای مثال، static HTML هیچ دیدی نسبت به ایجاد و نمایش یک ویجت انتخابگر تاریخ(Date Picker) ندارد. برای اینکار باید به HTML، این سینتکس جدید را توسط دایرکتیوها آموزش دهیم.
ویدیوی آموزشی Angular 2.0 با Typescript

Angular 2.0 will be built using the TypeScript language. It will embrace TypeScript's idioms for working with immersive web experiences in larger applications.

You can get those same benefits by working with TypeScript and Angular together. In this session, you'll learn how Angular and TypeScript work together to create single page applications. You'll see how you can leverage the features of ECMAScript 6, and still support today's browsers. You'll see how adopting TypeScript can be as easy as changing the extensions on your .js files. How you use the TypeScript features is completely in your control. 

ویدیوی آموزشی Angular 2.0 با Typescript
API نویسی اصولی و حرفه ای در ASP.NET Core

Professional REST API design with ASP.NET Core and WebAPI

This project is an example of lightweight and extensible infrastructure for building RESTful Web API with ASP.NET Core.

This example contains a number of tricks and techniques which I've learned while building APIs in ASP.NET Core.

Techniques and Features

  •  JWT Authentication
  • Secure JWT using Encryption (JWE)
  • Logging to File, Console and Database using Elmah & NLog
  • Logging to sentry.io (Log Management System)
  • Exception Handling using Custom Middleware
  • Automatic Validation
  • Standard API Resulting
  • Dependency Injection using Autofac
  • Map resources using AutoMapper
  • Async/Await Best Practices
  • Versioning Management
  • Using Swagger (Swashbuckle)
  • Auto Document Generator for Swagger
  • Integrate Swagger and Versioning
  • Integrate Swagger and JWT/OAuth Authentication
  • Best Practices for Performance and Security 
API نویسی اصولی و حرفه ای در ASP.NET Core
کتابخانه Simple 3D Coverflow

Simple 3D Coverflow is a fully 3D multimedia coverflow slider plugin that allows to display multimedia content with an unique original layout from a 3D perspective. It’s perfect for any kind of presentation, for anyone that wants to deliver a great impact to thier visitors. It runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, IOS, Android and Windows. When a thumbnail is clicked you can choose to do nothing, display multimedia content using our great revolution lightbox or to open a new webpage.

کتابخانه Simple 3D Coverflow
Visual Studio 2022 17.2 منتشر شد

This release brings continued improvements to the C# and .NET experiences, new Git performance and experiences, updates for C++ developers, and new Azure tools for local development and deployment. We also continue to address your direct feedback submitted via Developer Community, addressing over 400 feedback items in this release! You can see the broader list of community feedback addressed in releases by visiting the fixes page on Developer Community. 

Visual Studio 2022 17.2 منتشر شد
ایجاد Letter Effects and Interaction Ideas

Today we’d like to share four typography animations with you. Letters are such a great thing to play with and they allow for so many interesting interactions and effects to enhance a design and make decorative headlines stand out. For some animations we use anime.js. Charming.js helps us with the needed structure for the letters. We use some modern CSS properties like CSS Grid and CSS Variables in the demos, so please view them with a capable browser.  Demo

ایجاد Letter Effects and Interaction Ideas