15 درس هنگام مهاجرت به .NET Core
1. Using xproj & csproj files together
2. Building for deployment
3. NetStandard vs NetCoreApp1.0
4. IIS is dead, well sort of
5. HttpModules and HttpHandlers are replaced by new “middleware”
6. FileStream moved to System.IO.FileSystem ???
7. StreamReader constructor no longer works with a file path
8. Platform specific code… like Microsoft specific RSA
9. Newtonsoft changed to default to camel case on field names 🙁
10. Log4net doesn’t work and neither do countless other dependencies, unless you target .NET 4.5!
11. System.Drawing doesn’t exist
12. DataSet and DataTable doesn’t exist
13. Visual Studio Tooling
14. HttpWebRequest weird changes
15. Creating a Windows Service in .NET Core 
15 درس هنگام مهاجرت به .NET Core
چگونه قبل از build کل پروژه، تنها بخشی از کد C# را اجرا کنیم!

can’t be the only person who hates waiting for the code to compile and run… Especially when I want to test only a small part of it! That’s a total waste of time! But good news everyone, I found a way to run a part of my C# code without building the whole project! 

Ctrl + E, E – the magical shortcut! 

چگونه قبل از build کل پروژه، تنها بخشی از کد C# را اجرا کنیم!
استفاده از Visual Studio Code در مرورگر

Head over to vscode.dev to run Visual Studio Code for the Web (Preview). No installation necessary, and it works most anywhere (even on your tablet). Use extensions, access GitHub repositories, and work with notebooks. Get details and find out how to get started. 

استفاده از Visual Studio Code در مرورگر
آشنایی با الگوی M-V-VM‌ - قسمت پنجم

در این قسمت قصد داریم از امکانات جدید اعتبار سنجی تعریف شده در فضای نام استاندارد System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations استفاده نمائیم. از سیلورلایت سه به بعد امکان استفاده از این فضای نام به سادگی در برنامه‌های سیلورلایت میسر است (همچنین در برنامه‌های ASP.Net MVC)؛ اما برای کار با آن در WPF نیاز به تعدادی متد کمکی می‌باشد...

فهرست مطالب:
فصل 5- تعیین اعتبار ورودی کاربر و الگوی MVVM
  • مقدمه
  • معرفی برنامه فصل
  • مدل برنامه‌ی فصل
  • ViewModel برنامه فصل
  • View برنامه فصل

دریافت قسمت پنجم
دریافت مثال قسمت پنجم

تعدادی از منابع و مآخذ مورد استفاده در این سری:

1. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Explained
2. Model View ViewModel
3. DataModel-View-ViewModel pattern
4. 5 Minute Overview of MVVM in Silverlight
5. A Field Guide to WPF Presentation Patterns
6. An attempt at simple MVVM with WPF
7. WPF: If Heineken did MVVM Frameworks Part 1 of n
8. Modal dialogs with MVVM and Silverlight 4
9. How do I do… With the Model-View-ViewModel pattern
10. Intro to WPF MVVM
11. Introduction to MVVM pattern in WPF
12. Learning WPF M-V-VM
13. Binding Combo Boxes in WPF with MVVM
14. Model-View-ViewModel Pattern
15. Unit Testable WCF Web Services in MVVM and Silverlight 4
16. MVVM Part 1: Overview
17. Which came first, the View or the Model?
18. Stackoverflow's questions tagged with MVVM
19. WPF: MVVM (Model View View-Model) Simplified
20. WPF and MVVM tutorial 01, Introduction
21. WPF patterns : MVC, MVP or MVVM or…?
22. Silverlight, MVVM and Validation Part III
23. DotNetKicks.com - Stories recently tagged with 'MVVM'
24. DotNetShoutout - Stories tagged with MVVM
25. MVVM Light Toolkit
26. MVVM screen casts
27. What’s new in MVVM Light V3
28. Using RelayCommands in Silverlight 3 and WPF
29. WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern
30. WPF MVVM and Showing Dialogs

20 ابزار برتر توسعه Angular JS

AngularJS is one of the most preferred framework for the web developers who aspire to design a web app in a dynamic manner. In case, if your developers are going to start a project on AngularJS , they may be in need of numerous tools to develop your website in a full-fledged manner. - See more at: http://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/top-20-angularjs-developer-tools/#sthash.0yLW201H.dpuf 

20 ابزار برتر توسعه Angular JS
معرفی ASP.NET 5

The first preview release of ASP.NET 1.0 came out almost 15 years ago.  Since then millions of developers have used it to build and run great web applications, and over the years we have added and evolved many, many capabilities to it. 

I'm excited today to post about a new release of ASP.NET that we are working on that we are calling ASP.NET 5.  
معرفی ASP.NET 5