کتاب رایگان PowerShell Succinctly

Learn to leverage a variety of PowerShell commands to invoke scripts that work with existing frameworks, including .NET and XML, to optimize productivity. 

کتاب رایگان PowerShell Succinctly
نگارش 1.13.0 افزونه #C مخصوص VSCode منتشر شد

Fixed bug where LangVersion property was not read correctly from project file, blocking C# 7.1 development.
Fixed long-standing problem with renaming files.
Added csharp.referencesCodeLens.enabled and csharp.testsCodeLens.enabled options to allow disabling/enabling for the 'references' and 'run/debug test' code lenses independently.

نگارش 1.13.0 افزونه #C مخصوص VSCode منتشر شد
اسرارِ یک دات نت کار حرفه ای

Working as a .NET Professional is a tumultuous rollercoaster ride of emotional highs and crushing lows. It’s likely the same for other communities, with different flavors of success and failures. I have over a decade of .NET development work, and I am here to share some general mantras that have served me well. 

اسرارِ یک دات نت  کار حرفه ای
کتابخانه loadCSS

A function for loading CSS asynchronously

Why loadCSS?

Referencing CSS stylesheets with link[rel=stylesheet] or @import causes browsers to delay page rendering while a stylesheet loads. When loading stylesheets that are not critical to the initial rendering of a page, this blocking behavior is undesirable. The new <link rel="preload"> standard enables us to load stylesheets asynchronously, without blocking rendering, and loadCSS provides a JavaScript polyfill for that feature to allow it to work across browsers. Additionally, loadCSS offers a separate (and optional) JavaScript function for loading stylesheets dynamically.

npm install fg-loadcss --save

کتابخانه loadCSS
سری کار با IdentityServer 5

- Creating an IdentityServer 5 Project
- Adding JWT Bearer Authentication to an ASP.NET Core 5 API
- Adding Policy-Based Authorisation to an ASP.NET Core 5 API
- Authenticating a .NET 5 Console Application using IdentityServer 5
- Adding API Resources to IdentityServer 5
- Containerising a PostgreSQL 13 Database
- Adding Entity Framework Core 5 to IdentityServer 5
- Adding an OAuth 2.0 Security Scheme to an ASP.NET Core 5 API
- Adding ASP.NET Core 5 Identity to IdentityServer 5
- Seeding an ASP.NET Core 5 Identity Database with Users
- Authenticating an ASP.NET Core 5 Web Application using IdentityServer 5
- Authenticating an Angular 11 Single-Page Application using IdentityServer 5
- Authenticating a Flutter Android Application using IdentityServer 5
- Containerising an IdentityServer 5 Project
- Containerising an IdentityServer 5 Project with API Resources and Clients

سری کار با IdentityServer 5
NET 7 Preview 5. منتشر شد

Today we released .NET 7 Preview 5. This preview of .NET 7 includes improvements to Generic Math which make the lives of API authors easier, a new Text Classification API for ML.NET that adds state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for natural language processing, various improvements to source code generators and a new Roslyn analyzer and fixer for RegexGenerator and multiple performance improvements in the areas of CodeGen, Observability, JSON serialization / deserialization and working with streams. 

NET 7 Preview 5. منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
شروع کار با Apache Cordova در ویژوال استودیو #3
من Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP3.1 رو کامل نصب کردم 
اون پیغام Getting started with Visual Studio رو هم نشون داد ولی موقع اجرا با Ripple یا build پروژه با پیغام زیر مواجه میشم و برنامه اجرا نمیشه و  هیچ اروری هم تو Error List نیست 
ممنون میشم اگه راهنمایی کنید
------ Build started: Project: BlankCordovaApp4, Configuration: Debug Android ------
1>  GeneratedJavascript=scripts\index.js;scripts\index.js.map;scripts\platformOverrides.js;scripts\platformOverrides.js.map
1>  D:\Project Dot Net\BlankCordovaApp4\BlankCordovaApp4>call "C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\"\nodevars.bat 
1>  Your environment has been set up for using Node.js 0.12.7 (ia32) and npm.
1>  ------ Ensuring correct global installation of package from source package directory: C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 12.0\COMMON7\IDE\EXTENSIONS\MH2WEJOO.42Y\packages\vs-mda
1>  ------ Name from source package.json: vs-mda
1>  ------ Version from source package.json: 0.1.75
1>  ------ Current globally installed version: 0.1.75
1>  ------ Package already installed globally at correct version.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

پشتیبانی از JSON در sql server 2016

At last, SQL Server has caught up with other RDBMSs by providing a useful measure of JSON-support. It is a useful start, even though it is nothing like as comprehensive as the existing XML support. For many applications, what is provided will be sufficient. Robert Sheldon describes what is there and what isn't. 

پشتیبانی از JSON در sql server 2016