مرجع سریع Regular Expressions
This download is a document that provides information about the .NET Framework regular expression language. It's designed for quick lookup of characters, codes, groups, options, and other elements of regular expression patterns 
مرجع سریع Regular Expressions
سری ویدیوهای VS Code Day 2021
Join the Visual Studio Code team and community at a live event just for VS Code users. Get a glimpse of things to come and meet the team who works on VS Code every day.
سری ویدیوهای VS Code Day 2021
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Release Candidate 1.

.NET 7 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core.

Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release:

  • Dynamic authentication requests in Blazor WebAssembly
  • Handle location changing events
  • Blazor WebAssembly debugging improvements
  • .NET WebAssembly build tools for .NET 6 projects
  • .NET JavaScript interop on WebAssembly
  • Kestrel full certificate chain improvements
  • Faster HTTP/2 uploads
  • HTTP/3 improvements
  • Experimental Kestrel support for WebTransport over HTTP/3
  • Experimental OpenAPI support for gRPC JSON transcoding
  • Rate limiting middleware improvements
  • macOS dev-certs improvements 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Release Candidate 1.
کد نویسی تعاملی #C و #F با REPLs

REPLs are great! REPL stands for Read–eval–print loop and is pronounced "REP-L" quickly, like "battle." Lots of languages and environments have interactive coding and REPLS at their heart and have for years. C# and F# do also, but a lot of people don't realize there are REPLs available! 

کد نویسی تعاملی #C  و #F با REPLs
راهنمای مهاجرت از ASP.NET MVC 5 به ASP.NET 5

in this article, I will show how to take a medium-small demo app written using Visual Studio 2013, ASP.NET 4.5, VC 5, and Entity Framework 6 and turn it into a working ASP.NET 5 app employing Visual Studio 2015, MVC 6 and Entity Framework 7. And the new app will happily run on either the .NET 4.6 CLR or the .NET Core CLR. Let's get started.

راهنمای مهاجرت از ASP.NET MVC 5 به ASP.NET 5
ارائه‌ی اولین بتای Kendo UI for Angular 2

We are proud to present the first beta release of Kendo UI for Angular 2. It’s been designed specifically for Angular 2. Written in Typescript, built as native Query-free components and distributed as NPM packages, Kendo UI for Angular 2 makes integrating UI components into ng2 a piece of cake for developers. In this beta release, you’ll find the business application essential building blocks — form elements, grid and data visualization components.  

ارائه‌ی اولین بتای Kendo UI for Angular 2