Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Release Candidate منتشر شد

نسخه نهایی Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 تا اواسط ماه May 2020 (ماه جاری) منتشر میشود

The Blazor WebAssembly Release Candidate is here! This release contains all of the features and improvements that we expect to release for the upcoming Blazor WebAssembly release. There are no more breaking changes planned at this point.

What’s behind the hype about Blazor?  

Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Release Candidate منتشر شد
منتشر شد Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 4
A new preview update of Blazor WebAssembly is now available! Here’s what’s new in this release:

  • Access host environment during startup
  • Logging improvements
  • Brotli precompression
  • Load assemblies and runtime in parallel
  • Simplify IL linker config for apps
  • Localization support
  • API docs in IntelliSense 
منتشر شد Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 4
Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 2 منتشر شد

The previews of EF Core 5.0 require .NET Standard 2.1. This means:

  • EF Core 5.0 runs on .NET Core 3.1; it does not require .NET 5.
    • This may change in future previews depending on how the plan for .NET 5 evolves.
  • EF Core 5.0 runs on other platforms that support .NET Standard 2.1.
  • EF Core 5.0 will not run on .NET Standard 2.0 platforms, including .NET Framework. 
Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 2 منتشر شد
ASP.NET Core 5 Preview 2 منتشر شد

ASP.NET Core in .NET 5 Preview 2 doesn’t include any major new features just yet, but it does include plenty of minor bug fixes. We expect to announce new features in upcoming preview releases. 

ASP.NET Core 5 Preview 2 منتشر شد