میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests

The gist of the story goes as follow:

  1. The most popular languages are JavaScript/TypeScript and Python with roughly 20% of all pull requests each. In effect, if you put JavaScript/TypeScript and Python together, you get about 40% of all pull requests.
  2. Then you get the second tier languages: Java and Scala, C/C++, and Go. They all are in the 10% to 15% range.
  3. Finally, you have PHP, Ruby and C# that all manage to get about 5% of all pull requests.
  4. Other languages are typically far below 5%. 
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests
طراحی الگو

In this episode, Robert is joined by Phil Japikse for a chat about design patterns. Software design patterns have been around long before the MVC Framework gained momentum. Phil starts with a review of Robert C. Martin's (Uncle Bob) SOLID macronym. After building the proper foundation,he reviews several design patterns, their C# implementation and when and how they should be used in modern software development. 

طراحی الگو
معرفی پیش نمایش TypeScript 2.0

For TypeScript 2.0, the current road map consists of:
    • Non-nullable types
    • Control flow based typed analysis
    • Async/await downlevel support
    • Readonly properties
    • Declared 'this' type in functions
    • Improved typings acquisition

معرفی پیش نمایش TypeScript 2.0
دوره 3 ساعته PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Tutorial Full Course 2022

I provide here in this PostgreSQL tutorial a full course you can use to master PostgreSQL. Postgres is an object relational database that is just as fast as MySQL that adheres more closely to SQL standards and excels at concurrency. Postgres is also superior at avoiding data corruption.

00:00 Intro
00:30 Why Use Postgres?
01:13 What is a Database
03:12 Change Database Theme
03:53 Create a Database
04:46 Design a Database
05:50 Turn Invoice into a Database
07:04 Make a Table
12:13 Data Types
16:36 Adding Data to Table
18:15 To See Data
18:25 SELECT
19:19 Create Custom Type
20:48 Change Column Data Type
22:58 Thinking About Tables
25:37 Breaking Up Tables
27:03  Primary & Foreign Keys
32:40 Foreign & Primary Keys
33:28 Altering Tables Many Examples
53:00 Getting Data from One Table
53:40 Where
54:30 Conditional Operators
55:48 Logical Operators
58:12 Order By
59:32 Limit
1:01:45 GROUP BY
1:03:11 Distinct
1:05:00 Getting Data from Multiple Tables
1:05:21 Inner Join
1:08:50 Join 3 Tables
1:13:15  Arithmetic Operators
1:13:45 Join with Where
1:14:55 Outer Joins
1:17:03 Cross Joins
1:18:16 Unions
1:19:27 Extract
1:21:05 IS NULL
1:22:03 SIMILAR LIKE & ~
1:29:25 GROUP BY
1:31:14  HAVING
1:45:01 SQL Functions
1:49:00 Dollar Quotes
1:50:06 Functions that Return Void
1:52:38 Get Maximum Product Price
1:53:39 Get Total Value of Inventory
1:54:26 Get Number of Customers
1:56:15 Named Parameters
2:01:30 Return a Row / Composite
2:03:38 Get Multiple Rows
2:07:08 PL/pgSQL
2:11:35 Variables in Functions
2:15:55 Store Rows in Variables
2:19:17 IN INOUT and OUT
2:21:01 Using Multiple Outs
2:25:56 Return Query Results
2:33:42 IF ELSEIF and ELSE
2:38:48  CASE Statement
2:42:01 Loop Statement
2:45:20 FOR LOOP
2:48:34 Result Sets, Blocks & Raise Notice
2:51:11 For Each and Arrays
2:53:20 While Loop
2:54:54 Continue
3:01:34 Stored Procedures
3:09:35 Triggers
3:29:25 Cursors
3:39:45 Installation 

دوره 3 ساعته PostgreSQL
اعتبارسنجی مدل‌ها در Web API

When a client sends data to your web API, often you want to validate the data before doing any processing. This article shows how to annotate your models, use the annotations for data validation, and handle validation errors in your web API. 

اعتبارسنجی مدل‌ها در Web API
فناوری‌هایی برای مطالعه در سال 2017

- .NET Core
- Node.js
- Docker
- Elasticsearch: A distributed and open source search engine based on Lucene. A blazing fast NoSQL database with replication capabilities, it is the most widely known component of the ELK stack, together with Kibana (for reporting and visualizations), Logstash (for data import) and Beats (for data shipping). Even Azure Search uses it behind the covers. Free but some tools are paid. Get it from http://elastic.co.
- ECMAScript 2015
- Kafka
- TypeScript
- MongoDB
- Git
- Nginx
- Octopus Deploy
- Azure
- Amazon Web Services
- Linux
- Visual Studio Code
- Xamarin
- Google Analytics
- SQL Server 2016
- Let’s Encrypt
- TensorFlow
- GitLab
- Redis 

فناوری‌هایی برای مطالعه در سال  2017
کتابی فوق العاده برای افزایش توانایی حل مسئله

در این کتاب روش حل مسائل مختلف با توجه به توانایی زبان‌های برنامه نویسی آموزش داده می‌شوند.

Chapter 1: Strategies for Problem Solving
Chapter 2: Pure Puzzles
Chapter 3: Solving Problems with Arrays
Chapter 4: Solving Problems with Pointers and Dynamic Memory
Chapter 5: Solving Problems with Classes
Chapter 6: Solving Problems with Recursion
Chapter 7: Solving Problems with Code Reuse
Chapter 8: Thinking Like a Programmer
کتابی فوق العاده برای افزایش توانایی حل مسئله
ارایه نسخه 4 create-react-app

Create React App 4.0 is a major release with several new features, including support for Fast Refresh

 React 17

 TypeScript 4

 ESLint 7

 Jest 26

 PWA enhancements

 Web Vitals 

ارایه نسخه 4 create-react-app
انتشار TypeScript 3.3

TypeScript 3.3 is a smaller release than usual and contains no breaking changes, so it should be easy to upgrade if you’re on an older version. Let’s explore what’s new in 3.3! 

انتشار TypeScript 3.3