استفاده از jspm در ویژوال استدیو 2015

In a nutshell: jspm combines package management with module loading infrastructure and transpilers to provide a magical experience. You can write code using today’s JavaScript, or tomorrow’s JavaScript (ES6), and use any type of module system you like (ES6, AMD, or CommonJS). jspm figures everything out. By integrating package management with a smart script loader, jspm means less work for us. 

استفاده از jspm در ویژوال استدیو 2015
معرفی IndexedDB در مرورگر

This article introduces you to the in-browser document database known as IndexedDB. With IndexedDB you can create, read, update, and delete large sets of records in much the same way you are accustomed to doing with server-side databases. To experiment with a working version of the code presented in this article, please go to , and the full source code is available via the GitHub repository found at .

معرفی IndexedDB در مرورگر
ReSharper Ultimate 2016.3 منتشر شد

ReSharper's unit testing assistance is now available for NUnit and xUnit.net unit tests in ASP.NET Core and .NET Core projects in Visual Studio 2015.

ReSharper Ultimate 2016.3 منتشر شد
پاسخ به پرسش‌ها
آیا امکان استفاده از Extension Method در زمان Select وجود دارد؟

البته یک نمونه در اینترنت پیدا کردم (البته پاسخ Copilot بوده) که متد را بصورت Generic تعریف کرده بود که برای انجام Dynamic Select روش زیر را بکاربرده بود:

IQueryable<TResult> results = query.SelectMany(x => selectProperties.Select(prop => prop.Compile()(x)));

تا اینجا هیچ مشکلی وجود ندارد ولی به محض آنکه در خط بعدی متد ToList اجرا میشه با پیغام خطا مواجه میشم:

An exception was thrown while attempting to evaluate a LINQ query parameter expression. See the inner exception for more information. To show additional information call 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging'.

کد کامل Copilot:

public async Task<List<LineJoint2>> GetAsync2(
    Expression<Func<LineJoint, bool>> filter,
    List<Expression<Func<LineJoint, object>>> includes,
    List<Func<IIncludableQueryable<LineJoint, object>, IIncludableQueryable<LineJoint, object>>> thenIncludes,
    Expression<Func<IQueryable<LineJoint>, IOrderedQueryable<LineJoint>>> orderBy,
    int pageSize,
    int pageNumber,
    bool trackChanges = true,
    CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    var query = context.LineJoints.AsQueryable();

    // Apply filter
    if (filter != null)
        query = query.Where(filter);

    // Include related entities
    foreach (var include in includes)
        query = query.Include(include);

    // Apply thenIncludes
    foreach (var thenInclude in thenIncludes)
        query = thenInclude(query);

    // Project properties dynamically
    var projectedQuery = query.Select(x => new LineJoint2
        Id = x.Id,
        JointNo = x.JointNo
        // Add other properties from LineJoint as needed

    // Apply ordering
    if (orderBy != null)
        projectedQuery = orderBy.Compile()(projectedQuery);

    // Apply pagination
    var pagedQuery = projectedQuery.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);

    // Execute the query
    return await (trackChanges ? pagedQuery : pagedQuery.AsNoTracking()).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);
انتشار Dataset بیش از 20 میلیون بد افزار

"SoReL-20M" (short for Sophos-ReversingLabs – 20 Million), as it's called, is a dataset containing metadata, labels, and features for 20 million Windows Portable Executable (.PE) files, including 10 million disarmed malware samples, with the goal of devising machine-learning approaches for better malware detection capabilities. 

انتشار Dataset بیش از 20 میلیون بد افزار
مشکلات زبان Go
  • Go is a language stuck in the 70’s.
  • Go ignores 40 years of programming language research.
  • Go is a language for blue collar (mediocre) developers.
  • Gophers are ok with working in Java 1.0. 
مشکلات زبان Go
تشخیص تفاوت بین IIS سرورهای مختلف

I commonly hear the phrase “The web application worked in the pre-production environment and now is encountering issues in production and the server’s configuration are identical!” when I appear onsite to help assist with the resolution of the issues. Upon further investigation, an IIS module has not been installed on the production server, or the configuration is different for an application pool setting between the pre-production and production environments. This is a very common scenario I encounter in the field and here are some suggestions on how to determine differences between IIS servers in an IIS farm environment or between servers in different environments, such as pre-production and production. Keeping server configuration and content synchronized is always a challenge and I hope these suggestions help out.

تشخیص تفاوت بین IIS سرورهای مختلف
بهبودهای کارآیی LINQ در دات‌نت 9
.NET 9.0 LINQ Performance Improvements

With .NET 9, LINQ becomes faster in several common scenarios. As with every new version of .NET, you simply need to migrate and recompile to take advantage of these improvements. Additionally, LINQ has been optimized in other ways: SIMD is utilized whenever possible, such as when summing a sequence of integers. Moreover, enumerating empty sequences incurs lower costs due to early detection.
بهبودهای کارآیی LINQ در دات‌نت 9