مشکلات SQLite

If your app makes use of two separate instances of the SQLite library, you can end up with a corrupted SQLite data file

مشکلات SQLite
پیش‌نمایش نسخه 15.8 Visual Studio 2017
پیش‌نمایش نسخه 15.8 Visual Studio 2017
رهانش ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 4

.NET 8 Preview 4 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core.

Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release:


Streaming rendering with Blazor components

Handling form posts with Blazor SSR

Route to named elements in Blazor

Webcil packaging for Blazor WebAssembly apps

API authoring

Expanded support for form binding in minimal APIs

API project template includes .http file

Native AOT

Logging and exception handling in compile-time generated minimal APIs

ASP.NET Core top-level APIs annotated for trim warnings

Reduced app size with configurable HTTPS support

Worker Service template updates

Additional default services configured in the slim builder

API template JSON configuration changes

Support for JSON serialization of compiler-generated IAsyncEnumerable unspeakable types

Authentication and authorization

Identity API endpoints

Improved support for custom authorization policies with IAuthorizationRequirementData

ASP.NET Core metrics

For more details on the ASP.NET Core work planned for .NET 8 see the full ASP.NET Core roadmap for .NET 8 on GitHub. 

رهانش ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 4
ChatGPT مزخرفه!

ChatGPT is bullshit

Recently, there has been considerable interest in large language models: machine learning systems which produce human-like text and dialogue. Applications of these systems have been plagued by persistent inaccuracies in their output; these are often called “AI hallucinations”. We argue that these falsehoods, and the overall activity of large language models, is better understood as bullshit in the sense explored by Frankfurt (On Bullshit, Princeton, 2005): the models are in an important way indifferent to the truth of their outputs. We distinguish two ways in which the models can be said to be bullshitters, and argue that they clearly meet at least one of these definitions. We further argue that describing AI misrepresentations as bullshit is both a more useful and more accurate way of predicting and discussing the behaviour of these systems.

ChatGPT مزخرفه!
اضافه شدن قابلیت‌های AI به مرورگر Chrome به صورت آزمایشی (در نسخه‌ Canary/Dev)

مرورگرها در آینده مجهز به AI میشن اصلی‌ترین دلیلش هم بحث privacy است؛ حین کار با LLMها مسئله امنیت داده‌ها موضوع به شدت مهمی است؛ روش‌های برای anonymise کردن ورودی‌های این LLMها قابل‌انجام است اما مسئله این است که اگر کانتکست کافی وجود نداشته باشد خروجی به آن اندازه‌ایی که انتظار داریم شاید مفید نباشد. مدتی است گوگل به صورت آزمایشی در حال اضافه کردن امکان استفاده از LLMها (در حال حاضر Gemini Nano) به مرورگر Chrome است. یکی دیگه از مزایای قراردادن LLMها درون مرورگر پاسخگویی سریع به درخواست‌ها می‌باشد در اینحالت دیگر نیاز به ارسال درخواست به یک Remote LLM کمتر خواهد شد؛ با پائین آمدن latency، کاربران تجربه نزدیک‌تر به real-time را احساس خواهند کرد. لازم به ذکر است این قابلیت به صورت آزمایشی و فعلاً در حد یک proposal میباشد و فقط در نسخه‌های Canary و Dev قابل استفاده میباشد.

اضافه شدن قابلیت‌های AI به مرورگر Chrome به صورت آزمایشی (در نسخه‌ Canary/Dev)
یک Business Apps ساخته شده با Asp.net Core Mvc و , TypeScript

یک CMS تجاری بزرگ با قابلیت‌های زیر

A modular, service based web application model
Code generator to produce initial services / user interface code for an SQL table
T4 based code generation on server to reference script widgets with intellisense / compile time validation
T4 based code generation to provide compile time type safety and intellisense while calling AJAX services from script side.
An attribute based form definition system (prepare UI in server side with a simple C# class)
Automatic seamless data-binding through form definitions (form <-> entity <-> service).
Caching Helpers (Local / Distributed)
Automatic cache validation
Configuration System (storage medium independent. store settings in database, file, whatever...)
Simple Logging
Reporting (reports just provide data, has no dependency on rendering, similar to MVC)
Script bundling, minification (making use of Node / UglifyJS / CleanCSS) and content versioning (no more F5 / clear browser cache)
Micro ORM (also Dapper is integrated)
Customizable handlers for REST like services that work by reusing information in entity classes and do automatic validation.
Attribute based navigation menu
UI Localization (store localized texts in json files, embedded resource, database, in memory class, anywhere)
Data Localization (using an extension table mechanism helps to localize even data entered by users, like lookup tables)
Script widget system (inspired by jQueryUI but more suitable for C# code)
Client side and server side validation (based on jQuery validate plugin, but abstracts dependency)
Audit logging (where CDC is not available)
System for data based integration tests
Dynamic scripts
Script side templates 
یک Business Apps ساخته شده با Asp.net Core Mvc و , TypeScript
پیاده سازی الگوی ریپازیتوری و تزریق وابستگی در ado.net

Nowadays, I am trying to learn different design patterns in object oriented paradigm that are pretty useful to implement generic solutions for different scenarios. Few weeks ago for a job hunt, I got an assignment to do which was a web application that would interact with database, so I took it up as a challenge and decided to make it loosely coupled using design patterns which were applicable in that scenario.

پیاده سازی الگوی ریپازیتوری و تزریق وابستگی در ado.net