سری آموزش زبان Rust از مایکروسافت

Rust has been ranked as one of the most loved languages by developers. In this series, you will learn the fundamentals of Rust development. We'll start by downloading the tools you need to program with Rust, walk through common concepts, and share what's unique about Rust. By the end of this series, you will have enough knowledge to go forth and write your own Rust programs. It's highly recommended that you watch this series if you have prior experience with programming in another language. 

سری آموزش زبان Rust از مایکروسافت
سری ساخت یک Angular Dashboard با NET Core.

.NET Core + Angular Dashboard

Topics Covered:
- Building a dashboard application in Angular
- Building a Web API in .NET Core 2.0
- Using Chart.js to build stunning charts of different types
- Making HTTP requests using Angular to query a Web API
- Using Postman to send requests
- Working with Observables
- Using Input and Output decorators in Angular
- Using PostgreSQL and pgAdmin
- Automatically seeding a database with large amounts of sample data
- Styling an application using custom CSS and Bootstrap 4
- Using Map, Filter, and Reduce in Javascript
- Creating Routes in Angular
- Get, Put, Post, Patch Web API Controller Action request types
- Configuring your API for CORS

سری ساخت یک Angular Dashboard با NET Core.
کتابخانه fontfaceobserver

Font Face Observer is a small @font-face loader and monitor (3.5KB minified and 1.3KB gzipped) compatible with any webfont service. It will monitor when a webfont is loaded and notify you. It does not limit you in any way in where, when, or how you load your webfonts. Unlike the Web Font Loader Font Face Observer uses scroll events to detect font loads efficiently and with minimum overhead.

var font = new FontFaceObserver('My Family', {
  weight: 400

font.load().then(function () {
  console.log('Font is available');
}, function () {
  console.log('Font is not available');
$ npm install fontfaceobserver
کتابخانه fontfaceobserver
مقدمه ای بر برنامه نویسی همزمان

What is concurrent programing? Simply described, it’s when you are doing more than one thing at the same time. Not to be confused with parallelism, concurrency is when multiple sequences of operations are run in overlapping periods of time. In the realm of programming, concurrency is a pretty complex subject. Dealing with constructs such as threads and locks and avoiding issues like race conditions and deadlocks can be quite cumbersome, making concurrent programs difficult to write. Through concurrency, programs can be designed as independent processes working together in a specific composition. Such a structure may or may not be made parallel; however, achieving such a structure in your program offers numerous advantages. 

مقدمه ای بر برنامه نویسی همزمان
مقدمه ای بر Free Style

With the release of Free Style 1.0, I figure it's about time to write about Free Style - how it works, why you'd want to use it and little introduction to CSS-in-JS. This has been a long time coming, with my first commit to Free Style over a year ago, and the first commit to Free Style in its current form 10 months ago. This is not a blog post designed to sway decisions - as always, you should use your own fair judgement. 

مقدمه ای بر Free Style
انتشار EF6.1.3 RTM
EF6.1.3 just contain fixes to high priority issues that have been reported on the 6.1.2 release. The fixes include
Query: Regression in EF 6.1.2: OUTER APPLY introduced and more compex queries for 1:1 relationships and "let" clause
TPT problem with hiding base class property in inherited class
DbMigration.Sql fails when the word 'go' is contained in the text
Create compatibility flag for UnionAll and Intersect flattening support
Query with multiple Includes does not work in 6.1.2 (working in 6.1.1)
"You have an error in your SQL syntax" after upgrading from EF 6.1.1 to 6.1.2
انتشار EF6.1.3 RTM
لاگ زدن تغییرات انجام شده در DbContext با Entity Framework 4.1
Many applications have a need to keep audit information on changes made to objects in the database. Traditionally, this would be done either through log events, stored procedures that implement the logging, or the use of archive/tombstone tables to store the old values before the modification (hopefully enforced through stored procedures). With all of these, there is always a chance that a developer could forget to do those things in a specific section of code, and that changes could be made through the application without logging the change correctly. With Entity Framework 4.1’s DbContext API, it is fairly easy to implement more robust audit logging in your application  
لاگ زدن تغییرات انجام شده در DbContext با Entity Framework 4.1
ReSharper Ultimate 2019.2 منتشر شد
  • Smart support for C# 8.0 language features such as indices, ranges, and unmanaged generic structs, as well as many new quick-fixes, inspections, and context actions. 
ReSharper Ultimate 2019.2 منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
خواندن سریع اطلاعات فایل اکسل و ذخیره در بانک SQL
من هم با دوستمون محسن خان موافقم. اتفاق‌ها زیادی در مورد این کد باید بیافته تا به یک کد خوب تبدیل بشه. شما کاملا به صورت Smart UI  کد زدید. امیدوارم وقت بزارید و این کد رو بهینه کنید. توی همین سایت مثال‌های خوبی واسه‌ی یادگیری هست..