سری بررسی پشت صحنه‌ی دات نت

In this series I answer various .NET questions. Some of them are asked during interviews, some of them I see on the internet, some of them are completely made up. The goal is to provide short answer with links to references if needed. This is by no means a .NET tutorial or experts reference, this is just a bunch of useful answers to refresh your knowledge. 

سری بررسی پشت صحنه‌ی دات نت
مقایسه HTTP/2 PUSH و HTTP Preload

HTTP/2 PUSH is a feature that lets a server pre-emptively push resources to the client (without a corresponding request). HTTP Preload is a way to indicate to the browser resources it would require while loading the current page. In this post, we will discuss the key differences between PUSH and Preload, with a detailed explanation of which one to choose based on your use case. 

مقایسه  HTTP/2 PUSH و HTTP Preload
دوره مقدماتی ASP.NET Core از Microsoft Virtual Academy

Explore ASP.NET Core SDK and tooling, look at .NET Core CLI, and learn how to build an ASP.NET Core app with Razor Pages MVC. Plus, get the details on logging and diagnostics. Find lots of cross-platform goodness and get .NET ready, as you learn more about this framework for building modern cloud-based web apps. Build your first ASP.NET project, and gear up for the intermediate ASP.NET Core course. 

دوره مقدماتی ASP.NET Core از Microsoft Virtual Academy
انتخاب .NET Core یا .NET Framework

There are two supported choices of runtime for building server-side applications with .NET: .NET Framework and .NET Core. Both share a lot of the same .NET platform components and you can share code across the two. However, there are fundamental differences between the two and your choice will depend on what you want to accomplish. This article provides guidance on when to use each. 

انتخاب .NET Core  یا  .NET Framework
ایجاد نمودار با استفاده از AngularJS و Web API

In development world, you may get a requirement from your client, they wants a weekly, quarterly and yearly charts. You always think, how can I make charts with use of angularjs.  So today, in this article, we are going to learn

  • how to create charts in angularjs using webapi
  •  higcharts.js

In this example, our requirement is, we have dropdownlist of student names. if user select any student, it will show selected students marks in the form of charts. 

ایجاد نمودار با استفاده از AngularJS و Web API
سوالاتی که قبل از مهاجرت به کلاد باید از خود بپرسید

Cloud Computing is currently the hot topic in the developer world these days, and it seems all anyone wants to talk about is the cloud. If you're like me you signed up for something like Windows Azure just to see what the hype was all about. There are a lot of good reasons to move an app to the cloud, but it's still not for everyone. There are some things you need to think about before taking this gamble with your app.  

سوالاتی که قبل از مهاجرت به کلاد باید از خود بپرسید
کتاب C# Code Contracts Succinctly

Developed by Microsoft’s Research in Software Engineering, Code Contracts provide a way to convey code assumptions in your .NET applications. They can take the form of preconditions, postconditions, and state invariants. In C# Code Contracts Succinctly, author Dirk Strauss demonstrates how to use Code Contracts to validate logical correctness in code, how they can be integrated with abstract classes and interfaces, and even how they can be used to make writing documentation less painful.

کتاب C# Code Contracts Succinctly
ده گام برای امنیت نرم افزار

OWASP’s Top 10 Risk List is an important tool for security engineers and compliance analysts. It describes the 10 worst security problems that are found in web and mobile applications today. But, on its own, it’s not much help to developers, so OWASP has come up with a list of 10 things that you can do as a developer to make sure that your code is safe and secure. 

ده گام برای امنیت نرم افزار
7 نکته برای حفظ سلامتی برنامه نویس‌ها
You don't know what you have until you lose it. We all know what it means, but we often forget that it also applies to our health. In no way is this article intended to lecture you or make you feel guilty about your lifestyle. With this article, I simply want to share a few tips that can help you stay healthy as a programmer.
7 نکته برای حفظ سلامتی برنامه نویس‌ها
15 کتابخانه LightBox واکنشگرا مناسب برای گوشی های همراه
 Lightbox is one popular way to overlay images on the web. When you click on an image, the Lightbox pops up with some form of animation, and dims the background so your focus is on the image itself. The image is also larger in scale. Most popular Lightbox JavaScript libraries that we have known for years let you do this well on desktop, but not so much on mobile platform
15 کتابخانه LightBox واکنشگرا مناسب برای گوشی های همراه