نظرات مطالب
شروع به کار با EF Core 1.0 - قسمت 6 - تعیین نوع‌های داده و ویژگی‌های آن‌ها
نکته تکمیلی
در سناریوهای منفصل در زمان حذف یا به روز رسانی یک رکورد، در صورت عدم وجود چنین رکوردی در دیتابیس و بدون توجه به اینکه برای موجودیت مورد نظر ConcurrencyToken یا RowVersion ای تنظیم شده است یا خیر، نیز استثناء DbUpdateConcurrencyException  پرتاب خواهد شد.
var student = new Student() {
    StudentId = 50

using (var context = new SchoolContext()) {


In the above example, a Student with StudentId = 50 does not exist in the database. So, EF Core will throw the following DbUpdateConcurrencyException:
Database operation expected to affect 1 row(s) but actually affected 0 row(s). Data may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. 
NET Core 3. و پشتیبانی از Windows Desktop Applications

At Microsoft Build Live today, we are sharing a first look at our plans for .NET Core 3. The highlight of .NET Core 3 is support for Windows desktop applications, specifically Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Framework (WPF), and UWP XAML. You will be able to run new and existing Windows desktop applications on .NET Core and enjoy all the benefits that .NET Core has to offer. 

NET Core 3. و پشتیبانی از Windows Desktop Applications
اجرای Blazor WebAssembly بر روی 6 سکوی کاری مختلف

a habit tracker app that is free to use on 6 platforms: Web browser, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and macOS. Approximately 98% of the programming code is the same for all 6 platforms. There are 3 different projects that use the shared code: - a Blazor WASM project for the PWA - a MAUI Blazor project for Windows, Android, iOS and macOS - a Photino Blazor project for Linux 

اجرای Blazor WebAssembly بر روی 6 سکوی کاری مختلف
آمار ابزارهای طراحی سال 2019

The survey will close at the end of April, with the results written up shortly after. If you’d like to know when this happens, follow me on Twitter or leave your email at the end of the survey. You’ll then receive a link to the results articles once they are published. 

آمار ابزارهای طراحی سال 2019
4.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.9.4:

Security Advisory Notices

4.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
وبلاگ بیل گیتس

This is my personal blog, where I share about the people I meet, the books I'm reading, and what I'm learning. I hope that you'll join the conversation

وبلاگ بیل گیتس
Lazy Loading و مزایای استفاده از آن در بخش Write سیستم

In Defense of Lazy Loading

I don’t know how this happened but for the last couple years (at least), whenever I read an author who writes about ORMs, I often see a sentiment like this: “ORMs are fine, just make sure you disable this pesky feature called Lazy Loading”.

It’s like this feature is not even needed and only brings confusion and performance issues to everyone who chooses to use it. Well, as you may guess from the title of this article, I disagree with this point of view completely. 

Lazy Loading و مزایای استفاده از آن در بخش Write سیستم
از Lucene.NET چه خبر؟

We are about to release Lucene.NET 4.8, and it's time to show what it can do, and how it can be done. 

از Lucene.NET چه خبر؟