شرکت در نظرسنجی رسمی Entity Framework Core
The team behind Entity Framework Core thanks you for your interest in our product. I am a Senior Program Manager for .NET data at Microsoft and work closely with the EF Core team. As part of our ongoing effort to improve the experience of working with data in .NET, we developed a short survey to learn more about how you work with data. It should only take a few minutes of your time. 
شرکت در نظرسنجی رسمی Entity Framework Core
شروع به کار با Webpack 2
Webpack 2 will be out of beta once the documentation has been finished. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start using version 2 now if you know how to configure it.
شروع به کار با Webpack 2
پلاگین جاوا اسکریپتی Metro JS
Metro JS is a JavaScript plugin for jQuery developed to easily enable Metro interfaces on the web
This release focuses on Live Tiles, the Application Bar and Theming
پلاگین جاوا اسکریپتی Metro JS
سری 44 قسمتی بررسی مفاهیم طراحی سیستم‌ها

System Design Interview Questions
44 videos

Learn the key concepts and questions used in system design interview for software professionals. Like - Scalability, Caching, ACID properties, Partitioning, BASE Model, HTTPS, NoSQL databases, Security concerns etc. What is resiliency in software architecture?
What is language agnostic? What is the difference between vertical scaling and horizontal scaling? What is CAP theorem? How will you implement the optimistic locking? What are the different types of NoSQL databases? 

سری 44 قسمتی بررسی مفاهیم طراحی سیستم‌ها
دوره سطح پیشرفته ASP.NET Core از Microsoft Virtual Academy

In these modules, see how to build custom middleware, find out how to use advanced configuration, and work with multiple environments. Look at options that are activated in development only, explore the importance of globalization and localization, and view components. 

دوره سطح پیشرفته ASP.NET Core از Microsoft Virtual Academy
کارمندان مایکروسافت جهت شفاف سازی تصمیم گرفتند حقوق های خود را با یکدیگر به اشتراک بگذارند.

While few data points about Microsoft engineers working in India were available, the crowdsourced data revealed they are paid far less than their Washingtonian counterparts. The typical Indian coder who filled out the spreadsheet makes less than $50,000 per year, while Americans with similar experience make $150,000 per year with up to 10 times as much
compensation in bonuses 

کارمندان مایکروسافت جهت شفاف سازی تصمیم گرفتند حقوق های خود را با یکدیگر به اشتراک بگذارند.
7 دلیل برای انتقال کدهای ++C به Visual Studio 2017

Come learn the top 7 reasons to use Visual Studio 2017 if you are a C++ developer. Whether you are using the product and are looking to upgrade, or you never used it before but you are considering it now, join us to discover how Visual Studio 2017 raises the bar in terms of C++ productivity. From C++ standards conformance to coding productivity, cross-platform development for Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS and CMake support, these are only a few of the topics we discuss in this demo-packed session. 

7 دلیل برای انتقال کدهای ++C به Visual Studio 2017