خاصیت background-clip و نحوه استفاده از آن

background-clip is one of those properties I've known about for years, but rarely used. Maybe just a couple of times as part of a solution to a Stack Overflow question. Until last year, when I started creating my huge collection of sliders. Some of the designs I chose to reproduce were a bit more complex and I only had one element available per slider, which happened to be an input element, meaning that I couldn't even use pseudo-elements on it. Even though that does work in certain browsers, the fact that it works is actually a bug and I didn't want to rely on that. All this meant I ended up using backgrounds, borders, and shadows a lot. I also learned a lot from doing that and this article shares some of those lessons.  

خاصیت background-clip و نحوه استفاده از آن
روش های مقایسه اشیاء با null




Is Null
if(variable is null) return true;

  • 🙂 This syntax supports static analysis such that later code will know whether variable is null or not.
  • 🙁 Doesn’t produce a warning even when comparing against a non-nullable value type making the code to check pointless.
  • 😐 Requires C# 7.0 because it leverages type pattern matching.
Is Not Null
if(variable is { }) return false

  • 🙂 This syntax supports static analysis such that later code will know whether variable is null or not.
  • 😐 Requires C# 8.0 since this is the method for checking for not null using property pattern matching.
Is Not Null
if(variable is object) return false

  • 🙂 Triggers a warning when comparing a non-nullable value type which could never be null
  • 🙂 This syntax works with C# 8.0’s static analysis so later code will know that variable has been checked for null.
  • Checks if the value not null by testing whether it is of type object.  (Relies on the fact that null values are not of type object.)
Is Null
if(variable == null) return true

  • 🙂 The only way to check for null prior to C# 7.0.
  • 🙁 However, because the equality operator can be overridden, this has the (remote) possibility of failing or introducing a performance issue.
Is Not Null
if(variable != null) return false

  • 🙂 The only way to check for not null prior to C# 7.0.
  • 😐 Since the not-equal operator can be overridden, this has the (remote) possibility of failing or introducing a performance issue. 
روش های مقایسه اشیاء با null
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مثال هایی از نحوه نوشتن PBI
انتقال WebAssembly به سرور یا WASI

Bringing WebAssembly to the .NET Mainstream - Steve Sanderson, Microsoft

Many developers still consider WebAssembly to be a leading-edge, niche technology tied to low-level systems programming languages. However, C# and .NET (open-source, cross-platform technologies used by nearly one-third of all professional developers [1]) have run on WebAssembly since 2017. Blazor WebAssembly brought .NET into the browser on open standards, and is now one of the fastest-growing parts of .NET across enterprises, startups, and hobbyists. Next, with WASI we could let you run .NET in even more places, introducing cloud-native tools and techniques to a wider segment of the global developer community. This is a technical talk showing how we bring .NET to WebAssembly. Steve will demonstrate how it runs both interpreted and AOT-compiled, how an IDE debugger can attach, performance tradeoffs, and how a move from Emscripten to WASI SDK lets it run in Wasmtime/Wasmer or higher-level runtimes like wasmCloud. Secondly, you'll hear lessons learned from Blazor as an open-source project - challenges and misconceptions faced bringing WebAssembly beyond early adopters. [1] StackOverflow survey 2021 

انتقال WebAssembly به سرور یا WASI
الگوی MVVM - تمرین

Let’s continue our journey to learn the MVVM pattern, applied to Universal Windows apps development. After we’ve learned the basic concepts in the previous post, now it’s time to start writing some code. As already mentioned in the previous post, we’re going to leverage MVVM Light as toolkit to help us implementing the pattern: since it’s the most flexible and simple to use, it will be easier to understand and apply the basic concepts we’ve learned so far.  

الگوی MVVM - تمرین
چه موقع باید از Angular یک یا دو استفاده کرد؟

Angular 2 is getting a lot of hype and attention, but the reality is that it is still in alpha and changes quite rapidly. It is not intended at all to be used in production yet. So, really, you can’t and shouldn’t start your company’s next big project using it. 

چه موقع باید از Angular یک یا دو استفاده کرد؟
تفاوت HttpContext و HttpContextBase

Although it sounds like HttpContextBase should be the base class of HttpContext, I just figured out that this is not the case. 

تفاوت HttpContext و HttpContextBase