مقایسه کارآیی بین C# Wasm AOT ،C# Wasm Interpreted ،C# Runtime و JavaScript

The conclusion of the analysis:
C# Wasm AOT still has a long way to become a general and performant client side web programming platform. Note: The usage of the Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap toolchain may have affected the performance of some of the benchmarks. Thus, this analysis should not be regarded as a benchmark of the finalized product. However, note that the Uno platform is using ".NET 6 WebAssembly Mixed mode AOT/Interpreter" (source). 

مقایسه کارآیی بین C# Wasm AOT ،C# Wasm Interpreted ،C# Runtime و JavaScript
Rider EAP 20 منتشر شد.

Rider EAP 20 fixes a number of bugs, improves .NET Core support, has better NuGet performance, supports Xamarin Android applications, comes with Node.js tooling from WebStorm (including SpyJS), can generate ResX files, executes T4 templates (needs Windows and Visual Studio SDK), adds support for scratch files, … Too much for one sentence, as you can see from the full list of fixes. We’ll highlight a few, read on! 

Rider EAP 20 منتشر شد.
ASP.NET Core 6 Preview 5 منتشر شد

Here’s what’s new in this preview release:

  • .NET Hot Reload updates for dotnet watch
  • ASP.NET Core SPA templates updated to Angular 11 and React 17
  • Use Razor syntax in SVG foreignObject elements
  • Specify null for Action and RenderFragment component parameters
  • Reduced Blazor WebAssembly download size with runtime relinking
  • Configurable buffer threshold before writing to disk in Json.NET output formatter
  • Subcategories for better filtering of Kestrel logs
  • Faster get and set for HTTP headers
  • Configurable unconsumed incoming buffer size for IIS 
ASP.NET Core 6 Preview 5 منتشر شد
انتقال WebAssembly به سرور یا WASI

Bringing WebAssembly to the .NET Mainstream - Steve Sanderson, Microsoft

Many developers still consider WebAssembly to be a leading-edge, niche technology tied to low-level systems programming languages. However, C# and .NET (open-source, cross-platform technologies used by nearly one-third of all professional developers [1]) have run on WebAssembly since 2017. Blazor WebAssembly brought .NET into the browser on open standards, and is now one of the fastest-growing parts of .NET across enterprises, startups, and hobbyists. Next, with WASI we could let you run .NET in even more places, introducing cloud-native tools and techniques to a wider segment of the global developer community. This is a technical talk showing how we bring .NET to WebAssembly. Steve will demonstrate how it runs both interpreted and AOT-compiled, how an IDE debugger can attach, performance tradeoffs, and how a move from Emscripten to WASI SDK lets it run in Wasmtime/Wasmer or higher-level runtimes like wasmCloud. Secondly, you'll hear lessons learned from Blazor as an open-source project - challenges and misconceptions faced bringing WebAssembly beyond early adopters. [1] StackOverflow survey 2021 

انتقال WebAssembly به سرور یا WASI
تا 75% افزایش کارایی با استفاده از BinaryBuffers هنگام کار با بافرها

اگر با بافرها (byte[]) کار می‌کنید:

به جای BinaryReader  از BinaryBufferReader

و به جای از BinaryWriter از BinaryBufferWriter استفاده کنید

Benchmarks shows up to 75% improvement in writing and 32% in reading. 

تا 75% افزایش کارایی با استفاده از BinaryBuffers هنگام کار با بافرها
نظرات مطالب
React 16x - قسمت 31 - React Hooks - بخش 2 - مقایسه حالت‌های مختلف مدیریت حالت با useState Hook
- همانطور که عنوان شد، Stateless Functional Component دیگر وجود خارجی ندارند (به لطف هوک‌ها و دیگر Stateless نیستند) و الان فقط Functional Component هستند.
- پیشتر هم که Stateless بودند، توصیه شده بود که ابتدا با کامپوننت‌های تابعی شروع به کار کنید و اگر نیاز به state وجود داشت، آن‌را به کامپوننت‌های کلاسی ارتقاء دهید (که الان، حالت را هم در کامپوننت‌های تابعی می‌توان داشت).
- کامپوننت‌های تابعی در React 16 اندکی سریعتر هستند (نقل قولی از یکی از عضای تیم React):
Functional components should be slightly faster in React 16 as there's no instance created to wrap them (unlike React 15). 
علت آن عدم نیاز به React.createElement جهت معرفی نهایی آن‌ها است.