اضافه کردن امکان Observability به پروژه های Asp.Net Core

Modern software development practices value quick and continuous updates, following processes that minimize the impact of software failures. As important as identifying bugs early, finding out if changes are improving business value are equally important. These practices can only work when a monitoring solution is in place. This article explores options for adding observability to .NET Core apps. They have been collected based on interactions with customers using .NET Core in different environments. We will be looking into OpenTelemetry and Application Insights SDKs to add observability to a sample distributed application. 

اضافه کردن امکان Observability به پروژه های Asp.Net Core
فشرده سازی تصاویر تا 20 درصد سریعتر توسط QOI

Introducing QOI — the Quite OK Image format. It losslessly compresses RGB and RGBA images to a similar size of PNG, while offering a 20x-50x speedup in compression and 3x-4x speedup in decompression. All single-threaded, no SIMD. It's also stupidly simple.

Compared to stb_image and stb_image_write QOI offers 20x-50x faster encoding, 3x-4x faster decoding and 20% better compression. It's also stupidly simple and fits in about 300 lines of C.

benchmark results here 

فشرده سازی تصاویر تا 20 درصد سریعتر توسط QOI
زبان‌ها و مهارت‌های برنامه نویسی و جنسیت‌های جویندگان

Top 10 Searched Skills By Gender

  Search Rank   Skill   % Male   % Female   Pool Size Rank
1 Javascript 92.4 7.6 3
2 Ruby 94.0 6.0 9
3 Java 91.0 9.0 2
4 Python 94.0 6.0 8
5 Cloud computing 92.2 7.8 10
6 MySQL 85.6 14.4 1
7 Linux 92.5 7.5 4
8 XML 89.6 10.4 7
9 PHP 92.9 7.1 6
10 Project Management   76.4 23.6 5
زبان‌ها و مهارت‌های برنامه نویسی و جنسیت‌های جویندگان
خلاصه اشتراک‌های روز یک شنبه 1390/06/27

دریافت C# 9 Cheat Sheet

C# 9 Cheat Sheet with code example and pros and cons.

  • Records
  • Init only setters
  • Top-level statements
  • Pattern matching enhancements
  • Native sized integers
  • Function pointers
  • Suppress emitting localsinit flag
  • Target-typed new expressions
  • static anonymous functions
  • Target-typed conditional expressions
  • Covariant return types
  • Extension GetEnumerator support for foreach loops
  • Lambda discard parameters
  • Attributes on local functions
  • Module initializers
  • New features for partial methods 
دریافت C# 9 Cheat Sheet
امکانات جدید سی شارپ 9

سی شارپ 9 امکانات و بهبود‌های جدید را اضافه خواهد کرد :

  • Records
  • Init only setters
  • Top-level statements
  • Pattern matching enhancements
  • Native sized integers
  • Function pointers
  • Suppress emitting localsinit flag
  • Target-typed new expressions
  • static anonymous functions
  • Target-typed conditional expressions
  • Covariant return types
  • Extension GetEnumerator support for foreach loops
  • Lambda discard parameters
  • Attributes on local functions
  • Module initializers
  • New features for partial methods 

این نسخه بر روی دات نت 5 پشتیبانی خواهد شد برای اطلاعات بیشتر ^

امکانات جدید سی شارپ 9
انتشار Visual Studio Code - Update 1 - 0.3.0
This is the first of a set of regular updates – we are targeting a new release each month.  In this first one we have over 300 improvements and bug-fixes and to help you get an overview we have added a new Updates section to our website.
انتشار Visual Studio Code - Update 1 - 0.3.0
مدل پیکره بندی جدید در ASP.NET CORE

ASPNET Core has a lot of changes compared with the others versions of ASP.NET. One change I want to highlight is the new way to configure settings. With previous versions, this configuration was made by using the common file web.config, but this file simply doesn’t exist anymore in ASP.NET Core. Instead, a new easy way to declare and access to the settings is provided. Let’s take a look. 

مدل پیکره بندی جدید در ASP.NET CORE