بررسی SpecsFor

Intro to .NET Unit & Integration Testing with SpecsFor  

بررسی SpecsFor
راهنمای زبان Rust از مایکروسافت

This is a (non-comprehensive) guide for C# and .NET developers that are completely new to the Rust programming language. Some concepts and constructs translate fairly well between C#/.NET and Rust, but which may be expressed differently, whereas others are a radical departure, like memory management. This guide provides a brief comparison and mapping of those constructs and concepts with concise examples. 

راهنمای زبان Rust از مایکروسافت
بررسی Blazor United در دات نت 8

ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor United in .NET 8
The Blazor team shares early thoughts on Blazor United in .NET 8, an effort to create a single unified model for all your web UI scenarios that combines the best of Razor Pages, Blazor Server, and Blazor WebAssembly.

بررسی Blazor United در دات نت 8
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 4.0.1 منتشر شد


  • Fixed Kerberos authentication failure when using .NET 6. #1411
  • Fixed connection failure when using SqlLocalDB instance pipe name. #1433
  • Fixed a failure when executing concurrent queries requiring enclaves. #1451
  • Updated obsolete API calls targeting .NET 6. #1401


  • Added AppContext switch SuppressInsecureTLSWarning to allow suppression of TLS security warning when using Encrypt=false in the connection string. #1457  
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 4.0.1 منتشر شد
کنفرانس NET Conf: Focus on Blazor.

.NET Conf: Focus on Blazor is a free, one-day livestream event that features speakers from the community and .NET product teams that are working on building web apps with C# and Blazor. You don't need to use JavaScript anymore with Blazor technology! Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. 

کنفرانس NET Conf: Focus on Blazor.
نظرات مطالب
کوئری نویسی در EF Core - قسمت ششم - کار با تاریخ و زمان
اگر جستجوی مدنظر چنین شکلی را داشته باشد:

مدلسازی نمونه‌ی آن به صورت زیر است:

    public class UIModel
        public int PersianYear { set; get; }

        public int[] SelectedPersianMonths { set; get; }
برای مثال اگر اطلاعات دریافتی از کاربر به صورت زیر باشد:
var model = new UIModel
    PersianYear = 1391,
    SelectedPersianMonths = new[] { 4, 5 }
کوئری گرفتن بر اساس ماه‌های انتخابی را (new DateTime را می‌توانید با پارامتر PersianCalendar تعریف کنید و ... کار می‌کند) باید بر اساس OR نوشت (حالت پیش‌فرض زنجیروار نوشتن Whereها And است):
var itemsQuery = context.Members.AsQueryable();

// Linq chaining where clauses as an `Or` instead of `And`
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.False<Member>();

foreach (var month in model.SelectedPersianMonths)
    var start = new DateTime(model.PersianYear, month, 1, new PersianCalendar());
    var end = new DateTime(model.PersianYear, month, month <= 6 ? 31 : 30, new PersianCalendar());

    // We can chain `IQueryable`s.
    // itemsQuery = itemsQuery.Where(x => x.JoinDate.Date >= start && x.JoinDate.Date <= end);
    // But it will be translated as an `AND`, not `OR`

    predicate = predicate.Or(x => x.JoinDate.Date >= start && x.JoinDate.Date <= end);

itemsQuery = itemsQuery.Where(predicate);

var items = itemsQuery.Select(x => new { x.FirstName, x.Surname }).ToList();
که یک چنین خروجی SQL ای را تولید می‌کند:
SELECT [m].[FirstName],
FROM   [Members] AS [m]
WHERE  ((CONVERT (DATE, [m].[JoinDate]) >= '2012-06-21T00:00:00')
        AND (CONVERT (DATE, [m].[JoinDate]) <= '2012-07-21T00:00:00'))
       OR ((CONVERT (DATE, [m].[JoinDate]) >= '2012-07-22T00:00:00')
           AND (CONVERT (DATE, [m].[JoinDate]) <= '2012-08-21T00:00:00'));
مثال کامل آن