معرفی WebAssembly بر روی Server

WebAssembly is moving beyond the browser and is pitched to become a foundational element of modern cloud-native architecture. It lets any language compile to universal binaries that run on any OS or processor, robustly sandboxed and with great performance. This session covers a new approach to running .NET in WASI environments. You’ll see how your existing .NET code could be built into WASI-compliant modules, plus the opportunities this opens. This is experimental, not yet a committed product. 

معرفی WebAssembly بر روی Server
نتایج نظرسنجی State of JS 2020

23,765 people from 137 countries took part in the recent State of JS survey and while there are some common criticisms of the project, the results are nonetheless interesting and we’ll be digging into some in forthcoming issues. Standouts include:

- Svelte took the top frontend framework crown from React for developer satisfaction.
- Testing Library jumped straight to #1 for testing libraries.
- More developers than ever are producing PWAs or using WebAssembly.
- 86% of respondents are using VS Code to work on their code.

نتایج نظرسنجی State of JS 2020
ویدیوهای NET Conf 2022.
NET Conf is our annual virtual developer event co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft and sponsored by the .NET Foundation and ecosystem partners. It is a chance to learn and get inspired for your next software project. You will learn to build for web, mobile, cloud, desktop, games, services, libraries and more for a variety of platforms and devices all with .NET. We have sessions for everyone, no matter if you are just beginning or are a seasoned engineer. We’ll have presentations on .NET 7, C# 11, Azure, Visual Studio, and much more. 
ویدیوهای NET Conf 2022.
استقرار میکروسرویس در Azure Container

Azure Container Instances a simple way to run a container in Azure, without having to manage any virtual machines.

Brady Gaster returns in this follow up to the previous episode on Worker services. This time Brady will show us how to deploy our worker service to Azure Container Instances

  • [00:58] - Creating a new container instance
  • [03:08] - Exploring the Docker tools in Visual Studio Code
  • [04:30] - Reviewing the deployed container instance
  • [05:50] - Exploring the tools for Kubernetes in Visual Studio Code
  • [09:57] - Kubernetes Namespaces and Deployments
  • [12:10] - .NET Architecture Guides 
استقرار میکروسرویس در Azure Container
ابزار اندازه گیری Code Metrics مخصوص Visual Studio 2015
 The Code Metrics PowerTool is a command line utility that calculates code metrics for your managed code and saves them to an XML file. This tool enables teams to collect and report code metrics as part of their build process. The code metrics calculated are: Maintainability, IndexCyclomatic, ComplexityDepth of InheritanceClass CouplingLines Of Code (LOC) 
ابزار اندازه گیری Code Metrics مخصوص Visual Studio 2015
طراحی Entity پایه برای کلاس های Domain

How you shouldn’t implement base classes

public class Entity<T>

  public T Id { get; protected set; }


Motivation for such code it pretty clear: you have a base class that can be reused across multiple projects. For instance, if there is a web application with GUID Id columns in the database and a desktop app with integer Ids, it might seem a good idea to have the same class for both of them. In fact, this approach introduces accidental complexity because of premature generalization. 

There is no need in using a single base entity class for more than one project or bounded context. Each domain has its unique path, so let it grow independently. Just copy and paste the base entity class to a new project and specify the exact type that will be used for the Id property. 

طراحی Entity پایه برای کلاس های Domain
ابزارهایی برای مرور و یافتن مشکلات کدهای SQL

Awesome SQL Code Review Tools for Developers

Today we are going to look into some of the tools that can help you in reviewing SQL code. These tools will assist in a variety of domain that is related to SQL such as code analysis, formatting, refactoring, and code documentation. 

ابزارهایی برای مرور و یافتن مشکلات کدهای SQL
نگاهی به بهبودهای کارآیی در NET Core. و ASP.NET Core 3.0

What’s new for performance in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 3.0 – Ben Adams
One of the biggest advantages of using .NET Core (besides cross-platform support) is the drastic improvements in performance. Because the .NET Core team was able to make minor breaking changes in the runtime and Base Class Library (BCL), lots of stuff was implemented much more efficiently. In this session Ben will dive into the performance improvements in .NET Core in the 3.0 release: runtime changes, JIT changes, intrinsics and a deep dive into some of the improvements making it the best release yet!

نگاهی به بهبودهای کارآیی در NET Core. و ASP.NET Core 3.0