2.Visual Studio 2019 RC منتشر شد

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 RC.2

2.Visual Studio 2019 RC منتشر شد
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دات نت پایه، سی شارپ 8.0 و Nullable Reference Types

Here are some of the reasons why nullable reference types are less than ideal:

  • Invoking a member on a null value will issue a System.NullReferenceException exception, and every invocation that results in a System.NullReferenceException in production code is a bug. Unfortunately, however, with nullable reference types we “fall in” to doing the wrong thing rather than the right thing. The “fall in” action is to invoke a reference type without checking for null.
  • There’s an inconsistency between reference types and value types (following the introduction of Nullable<T>) in that value types are nullable when decorated with  “?” (for example, int? number); otherwise, they default to non-nullable. In contrast, reference types are nullable by default. This is “normal” to those of us who have been programming in C# for a long time, but if we could do it all over, we’d want the default for reference types to be non-nullable and the addition of a “?” to be an explicit way to allow nulls.
  • It’s not possible to run static flow analysis to check all paths regarding whether a value will be null before dereferencing it, or not. Consider, for example, if there were unmanaged code invocations, multi-threading, or null assignment/­replacement based on runtime conditions. (Not to mention whether analysis would include checking of all library APIs that are invoked.)
  • There’s no reasonable syntax to indicate that a reference type value of null is invalid for a particular declaration.
  • There’s no way to decorate parameters to not allow null. 
دات نت پایه، سی شارپ 8.0 و Nullable Reference Types
ایجاد فایل PDF در #C

The PDF File Writer C# class library PdfFileWriter allows you to create PDF files directly from your .net application.
Most TrueType fonts such as Arial supports character values greater than 255. The PDF File Library allows you to perform a substitution. You can use any Unicode character and map it into the available one byte range.

ایجاد فایل PDF در #C
ارتقاء OmniSharp به NET 6.0.

By default the .NET Framework/Mono variants are still used, but you can opt into having the .NET 6.0 builds by setting the following in your VS Code settings

    "omnisharp.useModernNet": true


ارتقاء OmniSharp به NET 6.0.
چند زبانگی در برنامه‌های Angular

Simple i18n support for your Angular apps 

 Easy ways to create a translation mechanism for your Angular and Ionic applications that does not rely on third-party libraries.

In this article, I am going to show a quick and easy way to provide a translation (aka i18n) support for your Angular and Ionic applications. 

چند زبانگی در برنامه‌های Angular
دریافت Visual Studio Community 2017 RC

Visual Studio Community 2017 RC is a free, fully featured, and extensible IDE for individual developers, open source projects, education and academic research. You can create applications for Android, iOS, Windows and the web. Integrated Azure tools make it e 

دریافت Visual Studio Community 2017 RC
Visual Studio Code June 2017 منتشر شد

Integrated Terminal improvements - Find support, select/copy multiple pages.
Command Palette MRU list - Quickly find and run your recently used commands.
New Tasks menu - Top-level Tasks menu for running builds and configuring the task runner.
Automatic indentation - Auto indent while typing, moving, and pasting source code.
Emmet abbreviation enhancements - Add Emmet to any language. Multi-cursor support.
New Diff review pane - Navigate Diff editor changes quickly with F7, displayed in patch format.
Angular debugging recipe - Debug your Angular client in VS Code.
Better screen reader support - Aria properties to better present list and drop-down items.
Preview: 64 bit Windows build - Try out the Windows 64 bit version (Insiders build).
Preview: Multi-root workspaces - Open multiple projects in the same editor (Insiders build).

Visual Studio Code June 2017 منتشر شد