نگاهی به اجرای SQL Server بر روی Linux
No spoilers here in the description! You will want to watch this video to get an sneak peak at SQL Server running on Linux, see a VERY cool demo, and get some insight into the cool stuff Tobias and Slava are working on! 
نگاهی به اجرای SQL Server بر روی Linux
نگاهی به Docker ها در ویندوز سرور 2016
With the release of Technical Preview 3 (TP3) for Windows Server 2016, Microsoft for the first time have enabled native Containers under the Windows platform. Integrated with this is the Docker support for Windows Server, meaning you can run Docker containers in a Windows environment 
نگاهی به Docker ها در ویندوز سرور 2016
نگاهی به Entity Framework 7 چندسکویی

In this short video Nate shows us how to use Entity Framework 7 in a cross platform way (on a mac in this case). One of the guiding principles (as outlined by Rowan in an earlier video) was the ability to use EF7 on any kind of device. This video shows the culmination of that work.

نگاهی به Entity Framework 7 چندسکویی