کتابخانه nucleus
Nucleus is a web-based interactive development environment (IDE) that is currently under development. It will include native language support for fusion files such as .fjs, .fhtml, and .fcss along with fusion transcompiling. It will also offer a jTypes plugin that adds support for .jt and .fjt files, and built-in jTypes precompiling from .jt or .fjt to .js files.  Demo
کتابخانه nucleus
استفاده از بانک اطلاعاتی in-memory جهت نوشتن آزمون واحد
ASP.NET Core applications can be tested with different testing frameworks and Entity Framework Core makes testing specially easy by removing different technical problems from our way by using in-memory data provider. This blog posts shows how to unit test controllers that use data from Entity Framework Core. 
استفاده از بانک اطلاعاتی in-memory جهت نوشتن آزمون واحد
AngularJs و i18n

The new i18n story in Angular

Internationalization support in Angular has been very poor so far. You might know that there’s anngLocalemodule you need to include, which is used by a couple components, likengPluralize,dateandcurrencyfilter to name a few, and that’s pretty much it. As we’ve already discussed, there’s so much more that comes into play when internationalizing an application, which is why there’s finally a new solution evolving that will bring first-class i18n support to the Angular framework. 

AngularJs و i18n
توسعه ASP.NET Core Web Api CRUD در دات نت 7

.NET 7 💥 - ASP.NET Core Web Api CRUD, Repository Pattern, SQLite & Automapper
In this video we will be going to be create a full .NET WebApi  with Automapper, SQLite and utilising the Repository Pattern

توسعه ASP.NET Core Web Api CRUD در دات نت 7
کتابخانه Localization.SqlLocalizer برای ASP.NET Core


  • Supports any Entity Framework Core (EF Core) persistence
  • Import, export
  • Cache, reset cache
  • support for live update
  • Configurable keys for localization records
  • Default key display possible, if no localization available
  • KISS 
کتابخانه Localization.SqlLocalizer برای ASP.NET Core
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Preview 7.

Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release:

  • New Blazor WebAssembly loading page
  • Blazor data binding get/set/after modifiers
  • Blazor virtualization improvements
  • Pass state using NavigationManager
  • Additional System.Security.Cryptography support on WebAssembly
  • Updated Angular and React templates
  • gRPC JSON transcoding performance
  • Authentication will use single scheme as DefaultScheme
  • IFormFile/IFormFileCollection support for authenticated requests in minimal APIs
  • New problem details service
  • Diagnostics middleware updates
  • New HttpResults interfaces 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Preview 7.
کتابخانه EasyCaching : اCaching با امکانات زیاد اما یکپارچه و آسان

این کتابخانه، تکنولوژی‌ها و کتابخانه‌های زیر را در راستای ایجاد Caching کامل و با امکانات زیاد، یکپارچه کرده و استفاده از آنها را آسان می‌کند.

Caching Providers

  • Memory
  • Redis
  • SQLite
  • Memcached
  • Hybrid(Combine local caching and distributed caching)
  • Disk

Serializer Extensions

  • BinaryFormatter
  • MessagePack
  • Json
  • ProtoBuf

Caching Interceptor

  • AspectCore
  • Castle

Caching Bus

  • Redis
  • RabbitMQ 
کتابخانه EasyCaching : اCaching با امکانات زیاد اما یکپارچه و آسان
دوره 3 ساعته PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Tutorial Full Course 2022

I provide here in this PostgreSQL tutorial a full course you can use to master PostgreSQL. Postgres is an object relational database that is just as fast as MySQL that adheres more closely to SQL standards and excels at concurrency. Postgres is also superior at avoiding data corruption.

00:00 Intro
00:30 Why Use Postgres?
01:13 What is a Database
03:12 Change Database Theme
03:53 Create a Database
04:46 Design a Database
05:50 Turn Invoice into a Database
07:04 Make a Table
12:13 Data Types
16:36 Adding Data to Table
18:15 To See Data
18:25 SELECT
19:19 Create Custom Type
20:48 Change Column Data Type
22:58 Thinking About Tables
25:37 Breaking Up Tables
27:03  Primary & Foreign Keys
32:40 Foreign & Primary Keys
33:28 Altering Tables Many Examples
53:00 Getting Data from One Table
53:40 Where
54:30 Conditional Operators
55:48 Logical Operators
58:12 Order By
59:32 Limit
1:01:45 GROUP BY
1:03:11 Distinct
1:05:00 Getting Data from Multiple Tables
1:05:21 Inner Join
1:08:50 Join 3 Tables
1:13:15  Arithmetic Operators
1:13:45 Join with Where
1:14:55 Outer Joins
1:17:03 Cross Joins
1:18:16 Unions
1:19:27 Extract
1:21:05 IS NULL
1:22:03 SIMILAR LIKE & ~
1:29:25 GROUP BY
1:31:14  HAVING
1:45:01 SQL Functions
1:49:00 Dollar Quotes
1:50:06 Functions that Return Void
1:52:38 Get Maximum Product Price
1:53:39 Get Total Value of Inventory
1:54:26 Get Number of Customers
1:56:15 Named Parameters
2:01:30 Return a Row / Composite
2:03:38 Get Multiple Rows
2:07:08 PL/pgSQL
2:11:35 Variables in Functions
2:15:55 Store Rows in Variables
2:19:17 IN INOUT and OUT
2:21:01 Using Multiple Outs
2:25:56 Return Query Results
2:33:42 IF ELSEIF and ELSE
2:38:48  CASE Statement
2:42:01 Loop Statement
2:45:20 FOR LOOP
2:48:34 Result Sets, Blocks & Raise Notice
2:51:11 For Each and Arrays
2:53:20 While Loop
2:54:54 Continue
3:01:34 Stored Procedures
3:09:35 Triggers
3:29:25 Cursors
3:39:45 Installation 

دوره 3 ساعته PostgreSQL