آموزش توسعه یک بلاگ با Blazor Server

Build a Complete Blog App with Blazor Server - Step-by-Step Tutorial from Scratch by Abhay Prince

You will learn about fundamentals of Blazor Server, Routing, Shared Reusable Components, Custom Authentication, EF Core Code First, Passing data from parent to child components and vice versa, Passing events from child to parent components, Forms validations and submissions, styling components, using javascript with blazor. third party components integration with blazor, blazor lifecycle events, authentication and authorization in blazor server, programtically navigating between component pages, multiple routes paths for single component page, dynamic routes and getting data from routes, authorized view and much more... 

آموزش توسعه یک بلاگ با Blazor Server
نحوه حذف رفرنس های استفاده نشده در پروژه با استفاده از ریشارپر

This command allows cleaning up project and assembly references that have no actual usages in source code. You can apply this command on a project, solution folder, or the entire solution. Before deletion is complete, you will be able to see all references that are going to be removed and. if necessary, preserve the ones that you want to keep.

نحوه حذف رفرنس های استفاده نشده در پروژه با استفاده از ریشارپر
انتشار Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6 Preview 1

GitHub Issues

The GitHub Issues integration allows you to search and reference your issues from the commit message box in VS, in response to this suggestion ticket. You can reference an issue or a pull request by typing # or clicking on the # button in the lower right side of the commit message text box. If you weren't already authenticated to access related issues, you will now be prompted to sign in to take advantage of this feature.

Line Unstaging

To continue improving our line-staging (aka interactive staging) feature, we've added unstage. You can now use the tool tip option to unstage changes, line by line, as requested here Unstage individual lines and hunks in a file - 4 votes


We continue to build native support for Arm64 on Windows 11 for the most popular developer scenarios. We now support the .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) workload on Arm64 Visual Studio.


  • Available as a preview feature, you can now view Unreal Engine logs without leaving VS. To see the logs from the Unreal Engine Editor, click View > Other Windows > UE Log. To filter your logs, click on the "Categories" or "Verbosity" dropdowns. Since this is an experimental feature, feedback is greatly appreciated.
  • You can now import STM32CubeIDE projects for embedded development within Visual Studio with File > Open > Import STM32CubeIDE project. This generates a CMake project with device flashing and debugging settings for STLink. You must have the STM32CubeIDE installed with the board support package for your device. More details available here.
  • You can use the new CMake Debugger to debug your CMake scripts at build time. You can set breakpoints based on filenames, line numbers, and when CMake errors are triggered. Additionally, you can view call stacks of filenames and watch defined variables. Currently, this only works with bundled CMake, and projects targeting WSL or remote machines are not supported yet. We are actively working to add more support to the CMake debugger, and feedback is greatly appreciated. 
انتشار Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6 Preview 1
سری کتاب های You Don't Know JS

This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language. The first edition of the series is now complete. 

سری کتاب های You Don't Know JS
سری بررسی مقدمات Blazor

Blazor Fundamentals Tutorial

Blazor server-side vs client-side (WebAssembly) | What should you choose?
What are Razor Components? | Blazor Tutorial 1
Dependency Injection | Blazor Tutorial 2
What are Blazor Layouts? | Blazor Tutorial 3
Routing and Navigation | Blazor Tutorial 4
JS Interop: Calling JavaScript from C# | Blazor Tutorial 5
JS Interop: Calling C# methods from JavaScript | Blazor Tutorial 6
Creating Forms with Validation | Blazor Tutorial 7
How to add Authentication in Server-side Blazor | Blazor Tutorial 8
Authorization in Server-Side Blazor | Blazor Tutorial 9
How to use HTML5 Web Storage in Blazor | Blazor Tutorial 10
Managing Blazor state using Redux | Blazor Tutorial 11
Creating a desktop application using Blazor and Electron | Blazor Tutorial 12
Deploying Server-Side Blazor in Azure with SignalR service | Blazor Tutorial 13
Building cross platform mobile apps with Blazor (Experimental)

سری بررسی مقدمات Blazor
Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد
Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد
سری 10 قسمتی توسعه‌ی برنامه‌های React با TypeScript از JetBrains

ReactJS is wildly popular and thus wildly supported. TypeScript is increasingly popular, and thus increasingly supported.

The two together? Not as much. Given that they both change quickly, it's hard to find accurate learning materials.

React+TypeScript, with JetBrains IDEs? That three-part combination is the topic of this series. We'll show a little about a lot. Meaning, the key steps to getting productive, in the IDE, for React projects using TypeScript. Along the way, we'll show test-driven development and emphasize tips and tricks in the IDE.

Other videos from this series:
1. Project Setup: https://youtu.be/wm8WdAB64gw
2. Project Cleanup: https://youtu.be/b0KrB31hN5k
3. Testing: https://youtu.be/Y_TGIsFnvo4
4. Debugging Node.js: https://youtu.be/r1kwXZnO8gw
5. Debugging in Chrome: https://youtu.be/dvmZi_DWu9I
6. TSX and ES6: https://youtu.be/JXrZDUzkc2Q
7. Class Props: https://youtu.be/HYmoeUF9ZH0
8. Class State: https://youtu.be/21-VMTmiV8E
9. Rich Events and Testing: https://youtu.be/OO7OmA5UlQM
10. Presentation Components: https://youtu.be/SnCGW6JUo4E 

سری 10 قسمتی توسعه‌ی برنامه‌های React با TypeScript از JetBrains
طراحی دیتابیس یک Workflow Engine

In this series, we're going to walk through the database design of our Workflow app and show each part of the solution was implemented, and finally how they were all wired together 

طراحی دیتابیس یک Workflow Engine
سری آموزشی Blazor Hybrid

Blazor Hybrid for Beginners
Join James Montemagno as he takes you on a journey of building your first Hybrid applications across iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Web with ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Blazor Hybrid, and .NET MAUI!  You will learn how to use Blazor Hybrid to blend desktop and mobile native client frameworks with .NET and Blazor.
In a Blazor Hybrid app, Razor components run natively on the device. Components render to an embedded Web View control through a local interop channel. Components don't run in the browser, and WebAssembly isn't involved. Razor components load and execute code quickly, and components have full access to the native capabilities of the device through the .NET platform. Component styles rendered in a Web View are platform dependent and may require you to account for rendering differences across platforms using custom stylesheets.
Blazor Hybrid support is built into the .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) framework. .NET MAUI includes the BlazorWebView control that permits rendering Razor components into an embedded Web View. By using .NET MAUI and Blazor together, you can reuse one set of web UI components across mobile, desktop, and web.

سری آموزشی Blazor Hybrid