دوره کامل Typescript

Typescript full course | Zero to Mastery

In this course, we are going to start at the basics of TypeScript and how primitive JavaScript data types integrate into the work of TypeScript. There is going to be challenges along the way to strengthen basic concepts.  

دوره کامل Typescript
سری مقدماتی ASP.NET Core

Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 15: starting with tag helpers
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 14: the view start and the layout files
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 13: the view imports file
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 12: data annotation of view models
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 11: inserting a new Book in a form
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 10: the details page and more on view models
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 9: MVC continued with routing
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 8: MVC continued with controller actions and our first view
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 7: starting with MVC
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 6: environments and settings
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 5: static files
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 4: middleware and the component pipeline
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 3: the configuration file
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 2: dependencies and dependency injection
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 1: anatomy of an empty web project

سری مقدماتی ASP.NET Core
آموزش JavaScript توسط Bob Tabor

NOTE: This popular course was recently updated with all new videos and content. Check it out!

01 | IntroductionGet an introduction from Bob, as he kicks off the course, sets expectations, and gives you a little guidance for the road ahead.

02 | Setting Up the Development Environment

03 | Basic JavaScript Syntax

04 | Variables

05 | Data Types

06 | Type Coercion and Conversion

07 | Expressions and Operators

08 | Arrays

09 | Function Declaration

10 | Function Expressions

11 | Decision Statements

12 | Iteration Statements

13 | Basics of Scope

14 | Returning Functions from Functions

15 | Object Literals

16 | Module Pattern and Revealing Module Pattern

17 | Closures

18 | this Keyword

19 | Destructuring

20 | String Template Literals

21 | Regular Expressions

22 | Built-In Natives

23 | Constructor Function Calls with the new Keyword

24 | Objects and the Prototype Chain

25 | JavaScript Classes

26 | Arrow Functions

27 | Truthy and Falsy Values

28 | null Type

29 | Date Objects

30 | String Methods

31 | Array Methods

32 | Error Handling with Try Catch

33 | Understanding the Document Object Model

34 | Working with DOM Nodes

35 | Course Conclusion 

آموزش JavaScript توسط Bob Tabor
Nebular جعبه ابزاری برای توسعه‌ی برنامه‌های Angular

Nebular is a great toolkit if you build Rich UI web-application based on Angular, and want to bootstrap your development using essential features out of the box. It provides you with a set of native Angular components, themeable components, authentication and security layers easily configurable for your API. At the same time, Nebular allows you to use it together with any other UI library you choose. 

Nebular جعبه ابزاری برای توسعه‌ی برنامه‌های Angular
مفهوم زبان مشترک در DDD


A bank account allows us to send and receive money and has its unique number. Anytime we tell about an account in a bank, an account is always a bank account. In the other hand, an account in an information system is used to authorize a user. We have the term "account" meaning something absolutely different in two different domains. Domain has an impact on what we imagine when someone says a concrete term. So we have to learn and specify domain terms first.


Let's speak about e-shop domain. What is a price? For us, as customers, it is how much we pay. A manager can think about price as an amount that his company pays to the supplier. For an accountant, a price is just a number. And e-shop programmer is now confused.

Language is crucial because customers and experts are telling their stories in their language. But it is also natural language, inaccurate, ambiguous, context-aware. And as we can see, language can be tricky even within one domain. 

مفهوم زبان مشترک در DDD
روش های مدرن برای ثبت خطا در سی شارپ

Logging is a big part of software development for many years now. One can argue that a logging mechanism is a must-have part of any application or library. I would agree with that statement. Logging has a crucial part to play in a scenario where you can’t use interactive debugging (that is, attaching a debugger like Visual Studio). It allows us to investigate errors after the problem already happened. In some cases, like Production Debugging, logs might be the only information you have. 

روش های مدرن برای ثبت خطا در سی شارپ
دوره ساخت Minimal APIs در NET 7.

Learn Minimal APIs in .NET 7
Learn how to build Minimal APIs in .NET 7 with hands-on course. By the end of the course, you will be able to build well-constructed Minimal API Endpoints using C#, .NET7, and Swagger.

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:01:30) Topics Covered
⌨️ (0:02:47) Why Minimal API?
⌨️ (0:06:07) Create Project
⌨️ (0:07:57) Comparing Files Minimal vs Standard
⌨️ (0:11:05) Program file changes
⌨️ (0:13:50) Clean Program class file
⌨️ (0:16:02) API Basics
⌨️ (0:16:44) What is API?
⌨️ (0:21:11) Request and response
⌨️ (0:25:59) Request Object
⌨️ (0:30:12) Response Object
⌨️ (0:35:36) httpverb
⌨️ (0:40:38) Create First Endpoint
⌨️ (0:43:43) Return Types
⌨️ (0:46:15) Route Parameters
⌨️ (0:48:29) Create Coupon Model and Coupon Store
⌨️ (0:51:38) Get All Endpoint
⌨️ (0:53:09) Get Individual Coupon
⌨️ (0:55:19) Create Coupon
⌨️ (0:59:53) Name Endpoints
⌨️ (1:03:17) Products and Accepts in Minimal API
⌨️ (1:06:58) Dependency Injection in Minimal API
⌨️ (1:10:25) Add DTOs
⌨️ (1:13:56) AutoMapper and Dependency Injection
⌨️ (1:18:32) Fluent Validators
⌨️ (1:24:07) Async Endpoints
⌨️ (1:26:11) API Response
⌨️ (1:32:57) Assignment - Put and Delete
⌨️ (1:33:49) Assignment Solution - Put and Delete Endpoints 

دوره ساخت Minimal APIs در NET 7.