سری 29 قسمتی آموزش React Redux
React Redux is the official React binding for Redux. It lets your React components read data from a Redux store, and dispatch actions to the store to update data.
سری 29 قسمتی آموزش React Redux
10 مرحله برای یادگیری پرسرعت هر چیزی

To Every Programmer Who’s Ever Scanned
Hacker News And /r/programming And Thought...
“How Will I Ever Keep Up?”
Here’s How To Turn “Information Overwhelm”
Into An Efficiency Edge That Can
Quickly Boost Your Income,
Earn You “MVP” Status With Your Team,
And Make You The In-Demand Developer
Companies Are Dying To Recruit

10 مرحله برای یادگیری پرسرعت هر چیزی
روشی برای تبدیل برنامه‌های React به PWA

You’ve built a React web app and would love to bring it to iOS and Android. That means you have to learn React Native first, right? As it turns out, there’s an easier way to deploy to mobile. With Capacitor, a new native runtime for web apps, you can deploy any React-based web app as a PWA, iOS, or Android app - all from the same codebase. 

روشی برای تبدیل برنامه‌های React به PWA
4.Visual Studio 2017 15.8 منتشر شد
ارائه‌ی اولین بتای Kendo UI for Angular 2

We are proud to present the first beta release of Kendo UI for Angular 2. It’s been designed specifically for Angular 2. Written in Typescript, built as native Query-free components and distributed as NPM packages, Kendo UI for Angular 2 makes integrating UI components into ng2 a piece of cake for developers. In this beta release, you’ll find the business application essential building blocks — form elements, grid and data visualization components.  

ارائه‌ی اولین بتای Kendo UI for Angular 2
راهنمای قدم به قدم و ایجاد Monorepo برای React Native با استفاده از Nx

Do you want to have both mobile and web apps in the same repo? Do you wish that you could share code between mobile and web apps? This blog post shows you how to create a React Native mobile app and a React web app in the same repo with shared libraries using Nx

راهنمای قدم به قدم و ایجاد Monorepo برای React Native با استفاده از Nx