پلاگین جاوا اسکریپتی Metro JS
Metro JS is a JavaScript plugin for jQuery developed to easily enable Metro interfaces on the web
This release focuses on Live Tiles, the Application Bar and Theming
پلاگین جاوا اسکریپتی Metro JS
Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6 منتشر شد.
  • UI Debugging Tools for XAML
  • Single Sign-In
  • CodeLens
  • Code Maps
  • Diagnostics Tools
  • Exception Settings
  • JavaScript Editor
  • Unit Tests
  • Visual Studio Emulator for Android
  • Visual Studio C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development
  • Visual C++

Other changes:

Bug Fixes & Known Issues
Related releases:

Team Foundation Server 2015 CTP 

Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6 منتشر شد.
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2.5 منتشر شد

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2.5

Security Advisory Notices

CVE-2019-1232 Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability

An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service improperly impersonates certain file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain elevated privileges. An attacker with unprivileged access to a vulnerable system could exploit this vulnerability. The security update addresses the vulnerability by ensuring the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service properly impersonates file operations.

CVE-2019-1301: Denial of Service Vulnerability in .NET Core

A denial of service vulnerability exists when .NET Core improperly handles web requests. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could cause a denial of service against a .NET Core web application. The vulnerability can be exploited remotely, without authentication.

The update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how the .NET Core web application handles web requests.

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2.5 منتشر شد
نگاهی به تاریخچه‌ی ASP.NET - قسمت دوم
Part 1 took an overview of the initial design of ASP.NET and how Microsoft reacted to the various changes in webdev. In Part II, we will now look at how those changes influenced the development of ASP.NET MVC and ended up transforming ASP.NET into a much more flexible framework composed of multiple libraries that solved different problems.
نگاهی به تاریخچه‌ی ASP.NET - قسمت دوم
آموزش ساخت یک بلاگ با Blazor .Net 8

In this video we will build a complete full stack Blog Web App using the new Blazor Web App with SSR with .Net 8 | Step by Step | From Scratch to End You will learn: New Static Server Side Rendering with Blazor, QuickGrid, Enhanced Navigation, Enhanced Forms, Stream Rendering, Image Preview & Upload, Identity Authentication, Interactive Server Render Mode for Admin Panel, and much more  

آموزش ساخت یک بلاگ با  Blazor .Net 8
آیا مهندسان نرم افزار یک کالا هستند؟

WhatsApp had 450 million monthly users and just 32 engineers when it was acquired. Imgur scaled to over 40 billion monthly image views with just seven engineers. Instagram had 30 million users and just 13 engineers when it was acquired for $1 billion dollars.
This is the new normal: fewer engineers and dollars to ship code to more users than ever before. The potential impact of the lone software engineer is soaring. How long before we have a billion-dollar acquisition offer for a one-engineer startup? How long before the role of an engineer, artisanally crafting custom solutions, vanishes altogether?

آیا مهندسان نرم افزار یک کالا هستند؟