نام اندروید Q به اندروید ۱۰ تغییر کرد

Over the last decade, Android's open platform has created a thriving community of manufacturers and developers that reach a global audience with their devices and apps. This has expanded beyond phones to tablets, cars, watches, TVs and more—with more than 2.5 billion active devices around the world. As we continue to build Android for everyone in the community, our brand should be as inclusive and accessible as possible—and we think we can do better in a few ways. 

نام اندروید Q به اندروید ۱۰ تغییر کرد
کتابخانه tinymce
 TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL. 
کتابخانه tinymce
سری D3 in Depth

D3 is the most commonly used JavaScript library for visualization on the web, but there’s a bit of learning curve, especially for those new to programming. 

سری D3 in Depth
نظرات مطالب
خلاصه‌ای کوتاه در مورد WinRT
Miguel de Icaza در وبلاگش در مورد Async API اینچنین گفته :

With WinRT, Microsoft has followed a simple rule: if an API is expected to
take more than 50 milliseconds to run, the API is asynchronous. (http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2011/Sep-15.html)ظاهراً عملیاتها به طور خودکار تبدیل به عملیات Asynchronous نمی‌شوند بلکه اگر یک API قرار باشد بیشتر از 50 میلی ثانیه طول بکشد باید انتظار داشته باشیم که فقط امکان فراخوانی به شکل Asynchronous را داشته باشد.
نظرات مطالب
React 16x - قسمت 1 - معرفی و شروع به کار

URLs in HTTP Archive with specific frameworks detected
Framework Mobile URLs Desktop URLs
jQuery 4,615,474 3,714,643
React 489,827 241,023
Vue.js 85,649 43,691
Angular 19,423 18,088
اضافه شدن پشتیبانی از WebAssembly به Kotlin

Kotlin goes WebAssembly!
Kotlin 1.8.20 introduces the newest multiplatform compilation target for Kotlin – WebAssembly! This opens up new possibilities for Kotlin developers, ranging from writing web apps, to blazing fast server-side development with Node.js and standalone WebAssembly runtimes, and even bringing your Compose Multiplatform apps to the browser! 

اضافه شدن پشتیبانی از WebAssembly به Kotlin
Git for Windows 2.28.0 منتشر شد

New Features

Git for Windows 2.28.0 منتشر شد
طراحی ساختار پروژه‌ی یکی شده‌ی Blazor در دات نت 8

In .NET 8 we plan to add a new project template, Blazor Web Application, that covers all combinations of server-hosted projects (traditional Blazor Server apps, Blazor WebAssembly hosted, and the new unified architecture that allows use of Server, WebAssembly, and SSR in a single project). It will work by multitargeting over net8.0 and net8.0-browser. 

طراحی ساختار پروژه‌ی یکی شده‌ی Blazor در دات نت 8