نظرات مطالب
ذخیره سازی SQL تولیدی در NH3
البته یک چیزی خیلی برایم جالب است که ایشان به Underscore معتقد است:

ولی در MSDN ذکر شده که
"Do not apply a prefix to field names or static field names"

منبع: پاراگراف آخر http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ta31s3bc(v=vs.71).aspx
بازخوردهای پروژه‌ها
درخواست همزمان گزارش
زمانیکه همزمان چند گزارش درخواست می‌شود، خطای زیر رخ می‌دهد:
The process cannot access the file 'C:\IT\Programming\Projects\Education\Edu\Education\Pdf\RptIListSample.pdf' because it is being used by another process. 
دوره فراگیری نحوه‌ی کار با Pinvoke در دات نت

Pinvoke for C# .NET Framework complete tutorial - May 2023 - 92418487
Complete course. How to expose to C# via pinvoke functions with C programming language signatures exported from DLLs. Use DependenciesGui.exe in order to see the functions exported by win32 API DLLs. Use the website pinvoke.net. How to write C# signatures for C programming language structs, enums, constants. How to wrap pinvoke method signatures in C# idiomatic methods. 

دوره فراگیری نحوه‌ی کار با Pinvoke در دات نت
وبینار برنامه نویسی واکنشی با RxJS

برنامه‌نویسی واکنشی (reactive) یک پارادایم برنامه‌نویسی اظهاری (declarative) است که در آن با جریان (stream)های داده و انتشار تغییرات کار می‌کنیم. این نوع برنامه‌نویسی بیشترین شباهت را به مدارهای سخت‌افزاری دارد. RxJS نمونه موفق و بسیار پرکاربرد Reactive Programming است که در برنامه‌نویسی JavaScript امروزی نقش پر رنگی دارد.

در این وبینار مبانی برنامه‌نویسی واکنشی و RxJS به زبان ساده ارائه می‌شود و پس از آن به چند نمونه از مسائل دنیای واقعی به شکل عملی پرداخته می‌شود. در انتها برخی مباحث پیشرفته‌تر هم عنوان خواهند شد.

زمان برگزاری: یکشنبه  23 آذر، ساعت 18:30 تا 20

محورهای اصلی این وبینار:

  • Introduction to Reactive Programming
  • Observables: Hot/Cold
  • Piping and Operators
  • High Order Observables
  • Advanced Topics
وبینار برنامه نویسی واکنشی با RxJS
تفکر درباره mvc 5,mvc 6,mvc flash 3

Over five years ago I released MvcFlash, and soon after I released the second iteration MvcFlash2. Don't let the terrible naming and versioning fool you, this is one of my favorite creations. As ASP.NET 5 starts to take root and MVC 6 blossoms, I begin to feel more confident about creating the next version of MvcFlash. Honestly, I can't see developing an MVC application without it. Before I do, I thought I would muse about the possible challenges ahead. 

تفکر درباره mvc 5,mvc 6,mvc flash 3
انتشار WinJS 4.0
In addition to Windows 10, WinJS 4.0 supports the latest versions of all your favorite browsers, including the new Microsoft Edge. We realize that many developers are more familiar with, and may prefer to use, other frameworks for various parts of their app. We have checked in wrappers for AngularJS, KnockoutJS, and ReactJS to our GitHub project. You can now create Windows or web applications using other web frameworks, while still having access to the rich set of controls that WinJS provides.
انتشار WinJS 4.0
برنامه نویس 40 ساله

I think you might want to be a software developer for a long time, in the same way that some people are musicians for a long time, or artists for a long time, or roofers for a long time. If not, you can hit “back” in your browser. It’s cool, no harm no foul. But I think maybe you would like to be a twenty-year programmer, or forty-year, or more. 

برنامه نویس 40 ساله
7 نکته برای حفظ سلامتی برنامه نویس‌ها
You don't know what you have until you lose it. We all know what it means, but we often forget that it also applies to our health. In no way is this article intended to lecture you or make you feel guilty about your lifestyle. With this article, I simply want to share a few tips that can help you stay healthy as a programmer.
7 نکته برای حفظ سلامتی برنامه نویس‌ها
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1.6 منتشر شد

Security Advisory Notices

CVE-2019-1077 Visual Studio Extension Auto Update Vulnerability

An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Visual Studio Extension auto-update process improperly performs certain file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could delete files in arbitrary locations. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would require unprivileged access to a vulnerable system. The security update addresses the vulnerability by securing locations the Visual Studio Extension auto-update performs file operations in.

CVE-2019-1075 ASP.NET Core Spoofing Vulnerability

A spoofing vulnerability exists in ASP.NET Core that could lead to an open redirect. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could redirect a targeted user to a malicious website. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker could send a link that has a specially crafted URL and convince the user to click the link.

The security update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how ASP.NET Core parses URLs. Details can be found in the .NET Core release notes.

CVE-2019-1113 WorkflowDesigner XOML deserialization allows code execution

A XOML file referencing certain types could cause random code to be executed when the XOML file is opened in Visual Studio. There is now a restriction on what types are allowed to be used in XOML files. If a XOML file containing one of the newly unauthorized types is opened, a message is displayed explaining that the type is unauthorized.

For further information, please refer to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4512190/remote-code-execution-vulnerability-if-types-are-specified-in-xoml.

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1.6 منتشر شد