نگاهی به تاریخچه‌ی ASP.NET - قسمت دوم
Part 1 took an overview of the initial design of ASP.NET and how Microsoft reacted to the various changes in webdev. In Part II, we will now look at how those changes influenced the development of ASP.NET MVC and ended up transforming ASP.NET into a much more flexible framework composed of multiple libraries that solved different problems.
نگاهی به تاریخچه‌ی ASP.NET - قسمت دوم
تزریق وابستگی (DI) در ASP.NET Core

I’ve been building some ASP.NET Core apps as of late and had to dig into how Dependency Injection works there. After talking with Julie Lerman a bit on Twitter about it, I realized that there might be some confusing things about how it works in ASP.NET Core, so I’m hoping I can add some clarity in this post. 

تزریق وابستگی (DI) در ASP.NET Core
مدل بایندر برای تاریخ شمسی در ASP.NET Core

مدل بایندر برای تاریخ شمسی

How To Use:

//In Startup.cs:
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddMvcCore(options =>
            options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new PersianDateModelBinderProvider());

//In Actions:
     public async Task<IActionResult> SampleAction(DateTime birthDate)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //birthDate is valid
                birthDate is wrong

مدل بایندر برای تاریخ شمسی در ASP.NET Core
دوره کار با SQL Server توسط PowerShell

PowerShell For SQL Full Course
f you’re a SQL Data Pro, check out this demo-packed course to explore using PowerShell to manage SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. Hear about the background of PowerShell, and learn PowerShell basics, such as how to get help, use cmdlets, and load modules. Look at task automation and configuration, and learn how to provision, deploy, and manage SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines and Azure SQL Database. Plus, see how to use the SQLPS module to administer SQL Server, both on-premises and in Azure Virtual Machines. Don’t miss this practical PowerShell training 

دوره کار با SQL Server توسط PowerShell