کامپایل کدهای سی‌شارپ به جاوااسکریپت در ویژوال استدیو

DuoCode is an alternative compiler, powered by Microsoft® Roslyn, and integrated in Visual Studio.

It magically cross-compiles your C# 6.0 code into high-quality readable JavaScript code, enabling rapid development of web applications utilizing the extensive features of the C# language, the Visual Studio IDE, and the .NET Framework base class libraries. 

کامپایل کدهای سی‌شارپ به جاوااسکریپت در ویژوال استدیو
راهنمای زبان Rust از مایکروسافت

This is a (non-comprehensive) guide for C# and .NET developers that are completely new to the Rust programming language. Some concepts and constructs translate fairly well between C#/.NET and Rust, but which may be expressed differently, whereas others are a radical departure, like memory management. This guide provides a brief comparison and mapping of those constructs and concepts with concise examples. 

راهنمای زبان Rust از مایکروسافت
اسرارِ یک دات نت کار حرفه ای

Working as a .NET Professional is a tumultuous rollercoaster ride of emotional highs and crushing lows. It’s likely the same for other communities, with different flavors of success and failures. I have over a decade of .NET development work, and I am here to share some general mantras that have served me well. 

اسرارِ یک دات نت  کار حرفه ای
کنفرانس NET Conf: Focus on Blazor.

.NET Conf: Focus on Blazor is a free, one-day livestream event that features speakers from the community and .NET product teams that are working on building web apps with C# and Blazor. You don't need to use JavaScript anymore with Blazor technology! Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. 

کنفرانس NET Conf: Focus on Blazor.
کتاب Entity Framework Core مختصر و مفید

Entity Framework is Microsoft’s flagship Object/Relation Mapper, and the recommended way to access relational databases. Entity Framework Core is a complete rewrite from the “classic” Entity Framework, building on the new multiplatform .NET Core framework and adding the ability to connect to nonrelational data sources while keeping the features that made Entity Framework Code First so popular. In Entity Framework Core Succinctly, join Ricardo Peres to explore this new version of the O/RM, from getting set up to avoiding common traps. 

کتاب Entity Framework Core مختصر و مفید
NET 7 Preview 6. منتشر شد

This preview of .NET 7 includes improvements to type converters, JSON contract customization, System.Formats.Tar API updates, constraints to .NET template authoring, and performance enhancements in the CodeGen area. 

NET 7 Preview 6. منتشر شد