پیش به سوی dotnet cli

In the next release, RC2, slated for sometime in Q1 2016. The commands will be reduced to:

dotnet run  
dotnet compile  
dotnet pack  
dotnet restore  
dotnet publish 

پیش به سوی dotnet cli
refactor شدن ngAnimate در AngularJs 1.4
 With the 1.4 release, ngAnimate uses the new animation system to provide support for CSS-based animations as well as JavaScript-based animations via callback hooks.
refactor شدن ngAnimate در AngularJs 1.4
نگاهی به PHP در سال 2019
  • PHP is actively developed with a new release each year
  • Performance since the PHP 5 era has doubled, if not tripled
  • There's a extremely active eco system of frameworks, packages and platforms
  • PHP has had lots of new features added to it over the past few years, and the language keeps evolving
  • Tooling like static analysers has matured over the past years, and only keeps growing 
نگاهی به PHP در سال 2019