نگاهی به PHP در سال 2019
  • PHP is actively developed with a new release each year
  • Performance since the PHP 5 era has doubled, if not tripled
  • There's a extremely active eco system of frameworks, packages and platforms
  • PHP has had lots of new features added to it over the past few years, and the language keeps evolving
  • Tooling like static analysers has matured over the past years, and only keeps growing 
نگاهی به PHP در سال 2019
نگاهی به تاریخچه‌ی ASP.NET - قسمت دوم
Part 1 took an overview of the initial design of ASP.NET and how Microsoft reacted to the various changes in webdev. In Part II, we will now look at how those changes influenced the development of ASP.NET MVC and ended up transforming ASP.NET into a much more flexible framework composed of multiple libraries that solved different problems.
نگاهی به تاریخچه‌ی ASP.NET - قسمت دوم