Rider 2017.2 EAP منتشر شد.

It comes with full support for .NET Core 2.0, adds MSTest, various NuGet improvements, a new debugger tool window for visualizing Parallel Stacks and marking of instances, new refactorings and more. And with ReSharper 2017.2 now released, we’ve updated the ReSharper version powering Rider, too. Which brings improved support for C# 7.0, initial support for C# 7.1, new code inspections, navigation improvements, and so on. Let’s look at a few highlights! 

Rider 2017.2 EAP منتشر شد.
نظرات مطالب
کار با Areas در ASP.NET Core
یک نکته‌ی تکمیلی
اگر خطای ذیل را دریافت کردید:
AmbiguousActionException: Multiple actions matched. 
The following actions matched route data and had all constraints satisfied:
Sample.Controllers.HomeController.Index (Sample)
Sample.Areas.Blog.Controllers.HomeController.Index (Sample)
به معنای وجود دو کنترلر Home، به همراه اکشن متد Index هستند که یکی در ناحیه‌ی Area تعریف شده‌است و دیگری در همان محل متداول آن. مشکل اینجا است که کنترلر Home واقع در ناحیه‌ی Blog، دارای ویژگی فراموش شده‌ی [Area] است که با افزودن آن، این خطا برطرف می‌شود.
رکورد های سی شارپ چگونه زندگی مرا تغییر خواهد داد

Immutability comes with a lot of benefits, but sometimes it can be a bit cumbersome to deal with when you only want to update some properties. Since the object is immutable, you need to create a copy with all the existing values and the new updated one.

I will show you how Records in C# 9 will greatly simplify this

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مروری بر قالب ساخت نصاب در Visual Studio 2019

thanks to a new feature added in Visual Studio 2019 16.1, we can combine the best of both worlds when it comes to support the App Installer technology: the easiness of automatically generating an .appinstaller file as part of the package creation process and the flexibility of the new update features added in Windows 10 1903. 

مروری بر قالب ساخت نصاب در Visual Studio 2019
JetBrains Rider 2017.2 منتشر شد
  • Support for .NET Core 2.0: you can now edit, run, debug, test, navigate and refactor your shiny new .NET Core applications.
  • Rider 2017.2 comes with ReSharper 2017.2 as its engine for providing .NET support. This means a number of features announced with ReSharper 2017.2 are now available in Rider. 
JetBrains Rider 2017.2 منتشر شد