November 2019 release of Azure Data Studio منتشر شد

The key highlights to cover this month include:

  • Announcing SQL Server 2019 support
  • New notebook features
    • Announcing PowerShell notebooks
    • Announcing collapsible code cells
    • Performance improvements in notebooks
  • Announcing Jupyter Books
  • General availability of Schema Compare and SQL Server Dacpac extensions
  • Announcing Visual Studio IntelliCode extension
  • Bug fixes 
November 2019 release of Azure Data Studio منتشر شد
TypeScript 3.6 RC منتشر شد

Today we’re happy to announce the availability of the release candidate of TypeScript 3.6. This release candidate is intended to be fairly close to the full release, and will stabilize for the next few weeks leading up to our official release. 

TypeScript 3.6 RC منتشر شد
Docker ها در ویندوز سرور 2016
 Today the Docker team announced the availability of a technical preview of the Docker Engine for Windows Server 2016. This is huge for us and all software teams that work primarily on the Windows platform
یک لینک هم در مورد Dockerها در ویندوز سرور 2016 از سایت weblogs.asp.net
Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Docker - August Preview 

برای اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد Docker‌ها هم می‌توانید به ترجمه این مصاحبه مراجعه کنید  ^^^
Docker ها در ویندوز سرور 2016
نظرات مطالب
ارتقاء به ASP.NET Core 1.0 - قسمت 12 - معرفی Tag Helpers
با سلام و تشکر؛ ارسال بیشتر از یک پارامتر از طریق مثلا این tag helper چگونه است؟ (غیر از id چگونه پارامتر دوم با نام type را ارسال کنیم؟)
<a asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Index" asp-route-id="123">Home</a>
نظرات مطالب
معرفی DNTBreadCrumb
ادرس در breadcrumb  به صورت  home/category/procut/2/productname است که می‌خوام به home/category/productname  تبدیل بشه اما ظاهرا یا تعاریف من مشکل داره یا بخش url friendly ایجاد اخلال می‌کنه .
راهنمایی خواستم که بدونم برای تولید ادرس دوم چه تعریفی باید ست کنم ؟
وقتی هرچی که میدونی اشتباهه - قسمت اول
Finalizers are interesting and dangerous because they are an environment in which everything you know is wrong. I’ve written a lot about the perils of C# finalizers / destructors (either name is fine) over the years, but it’s scattered in little bits over the internet. In this series I’m going to try to get everything in one place; here are a bunch of things that many people believe about finalizers, all of which are wrong.
وقتی هرچی که میدونی اشتباهه - قسمت اول
وقتی هرچی که میدونی اشتباهه - قسمت دوم
Finalizers are interesting and dangerous because they are an environment in which everything you know is wrong. I’ve written a lot about the perils of C# finalizers / destructors (either name is fine) over the years, but it’s scattered in little bits over the internet. In this series I’m going to try to get everything in one place; here are a bunch of things that many people believe about finalizers, all of which are wrong.
وقتی هرچی که میدونی اشتباهه - قسمت دوم
نظرات مطالب
انجام کارهای زمانبندی شده در برنامه‌های ASP.NET توسط DNT Scheduler
زمانی که وظیفه ای میخواهد اجرا شود همزمان با آن کنترلر Home هم فراخوانی می‌شود
این درخواست هایی هست که لاگ VS قسمت Output ثبت می‌شود

Application Insights Telemetry (unconfigured): {"name":"Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Dev.Metric","time":"2019-01-08T11:23:01.0000000Z","tags":{"ai.cloud.roleInstance":"BAHARI-PC","ai.internal.sdkVersion":"m-agg2:2.8.1-22898"},"data":{"baseType":"MetricData","baseData":{"ver":2,"metrics":[{"name":"Dependency duration","kind":"Aggregation","value":4143.777,"count":1,"min":4143.777,"max":4143.777,"stdDev":0}],"properties":{"_MS.MetricId":"dependencies/duration","_MS.IsAutocollected":"True","_MS.AggregationIntervalMs":"60000","Dependency.Type":"Http","DeveloperMode":"true","Dependency.Success":"True"}}}}
Application Insights Telemetry (unconfigured): {"name":"Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Dev.Metric","time":"2019-01-08T11:23:01.0000000Z","tags":{"ai.cloud.roleInstance":"BAHARI-PC","ai.internal.sdkVersion":"m-agg2:2.8.1-22898"},"data":{"baseType":"MetricData","baseData":{"ver":2,"metrics":[{"name":"Server response time","kind":"Aggregation","value":4136.7653,"count":1,"min":4136.7653,"max":4136.7653,"stdDev":0}],"properties":{"_MS.MetricId":"requests/duration","_MS.IsAutocollected":"True","_MS.AggregationIntervalMs":"60000","DeveloperMode":"true","Request.Success":"True"}}}}
Application Insights Telemetry (unconfigured): {"name":"Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Dev.Metric","time":"2019-01-08T11:23:01.0000000Z","tags":{"ai.cloud.roleInstance":"BAHARI-PC","ai.internal.sdkVersion":"m-agg2:2.8.1-22898"},"data":{"baseType":"MetricData","baseData":{"ver":2,"metrics":[{"name":"Dependency duration","kind":"Aggregation","value":3972.6929,"count":3,"min":12.8297,"max":2687.0447,"stdDev":1092.34881420812}],"properties":{"_MS.MetricId":"dependencies/duration","_MS.IsAutocollected":"True","_MS.AggregationIntervalMs":"60000","Dependency.Type":"SQL","DeveloperMode":"true","Dependency.Success":"True"}}}}
این هم نمونه ای از وظیفه:
#region Using

using Autofac;
using CHK.ServiceLayer.Interfaces;
using DNTScheduler;
using System;


namespace CHK.Web.Scheduler
    public class InventoryTask : ScheduledTaskTemplate
        #region Properties

        public override int Order => 1;
        public override string Name => "Inventory-DiscountCoupon-GiftCard";
        public IContainer Container { get; set; }


        #region Methods

        public override bool RunAt(DateTime utcNow)
            if (IsShuttingDown || Pause) return false;
            var currentDateTime = utcNow.AddHours(3.5);
            return (currentDateTime.Minute % 15 == 0 && currentDateTime.Second > 5 && currentDateTime.Second < 15);

        public override void Run()
            if (IsShuttingDown || Pause) return;
            Pause = true;
            using (var scope = Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
                var schedulerService = scope.Resolve<ISchedulerService>();
            Pause = false;


تغییر مجوز استفاده‌ی از Redis

Redis, the popular in-memory data store, is switching away from the open source three-clause BSD license. Instead, in a move that is clearly aimed to prevent the large cloud providers from offering free alternatives to Redis’ own hosted services, Redis will now be dual-licensed under the Redis Source Available License (RSALv2) and Server Side Public License (SSPLv1). Under this new license, cloud service providers hosting Redis will need to enter into a commercial agreement with Redis. The first company to do so is Microsoft.

تغییر مجوز استفاده‌ی از Redis