دوره 7 ساعته ساخت برنامه‌های Blazor Server با کامپوننت‌های Syncfusion

Learn how to harness the power of the Syncfusion UI components from within a Blazor server application. We’ll also integrate the Microsoft Identity technology into our Blazor application to leverage login, registration, authorization and authentication functionality. Syncfusion provides a UI component suite for building powerful web, desktop, and mobile apps.

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:13) Introduction
⌨️ (0:00:49) Course Overview
⌨️ (0:10:25) Technologies used to Develop the Sales Management Application
⌨️ (0:13:20) Getting Started - Create the Blazor Project through Visual Studio 2022
⌨️ (0:15:02) Introduction to the Syncfusion DataGrid Component
⌨️ (0:43:39) Create the Database using Ef Core Code First Migrations
⌨️ (1:22:02) Integrate the Syncfusion DataGrid Component into the Application
⌨️ (3:02:44) Integrate the Syncfusion ListView component into the Sale Management Application
⌨️ (4:25:23) Integration of the Syncfusion Charts into the Sales Management Application to Display Sales Order Analytical Data
⌨️ (5:11:04) Create Dashboards for Employees
⌨️ (6:03:51) Integrate the Syncfusion Diagram into the Sales Management Application
⌨️ (6:22:25) Integrate the Syncfusion Scheduler into the Sales Management Application
⌨️ (6:52:53) Integrate Microsoft Identity into the Sales Management Application
⌨️ (7:40:34) Wrapping up 

دوره 7 ساعته ساخت برنامه‌های Blazor Server با کامپوننت‌های Syncfusion
نظر سنجی برنامه نویسان دسکتاپ و موبایل دات نت

We would love to hear about your experience with building client applications in .NET. Your feedback will greatly help us to improve the .NET tooling and ensure our roadmap focuses on your needs. Participate in shaping the future of the .NET client development by taking this short survey (5 minutes to complete). 

نظر سنجی برنامه نویسان دسکتاپ و موبایل دات نت
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Progressive Web Apps (PWA) for Beginners
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In these modules, see how to build custom middleware, find out how to use advanced configuration, and work with multiple environments. Look at options that are activated in development only, explore the importance of globalization and localization, and view components. 

دوره سطح پیشرفته ASP.NET Core از Microsoft Virtual Academy
قسمت سوم از بررسی معماری نرم افزار

خوب در این ویدیو یکی از مهم‌ترین تفاوت‌ها و اشتباهات رایج بین خودمون رو سعی کردم حل کنم و یه تفکیکی بین این‌ها بوجود بیارم.

00:10 Previous Session
03:00 Architectural Pattern
08:00 Style vs Pattern ( CQRS, Clean, Hexagonal)
12:00 Clean Architecture 

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.NET MAUI allows you to create multi-platform apps using one code base. That means you can develop for Android, iOS, macOS and of course Windows at the same time!
In this course I provide numerous examples on how to use all the tools MAUI provides. Check out the long table of contents below.  

دوره کامل NET MAUI.
نظرات مطالب
سفارشی سازی ASP.NET Core Identity - قسمت پنجم - سیاست‌های دسترسی پویا
با سلام؛ من از DistributedCacheTicketStore استفاده کردم و به ازای هر درخواست یک دستور آپدیت بر روی جدول AppSqlCache انجام میشود:
exec sp_executesql
    N'UPDATE [dbo].[AppSqlCache] SET ExpiresAtTime = (CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(SECOND, @UtcNow, AbsoluteExpiration) <= SlidingExpirationInSeconds THEN AbsoluteExpiration ELSE DATEADD(SECOND, SlidingExpirationInSeconds, @UtcNow) END) WHERE Id = @Id AND @UtcNow <= ExpiresAtTime AND SlidingExpirationInSeconds IS NOT NULL AND (AbsoluteExpiration IS NULL OR AbsoluteExpiration <> ExpiresAtTime) ;SELECT Id, ExpiresAtTime, SlidingExpirationInSeconds, AbsoluteExpiration, Value FROM [app].[SqlCache] WHERE Id = @Id AND @UtcNow <= ExpiresAtTime;',
    N'@Id nvarchar(449),@UtcNow datetimeoffset(7)',
    @Id = N'AuthSessionStore-380ca866e7744f569659a3c160eca7ef',
    @UtcNow = '2020-05-24 21:30:11.0837838 +00:00';
و زمان ترافیک سایت آپدیت این جدول باعث کندی می‌شود. آیا ایده‌ی برای حال این مشکل هست؟