قسمت‌های مختلف Xamarin با NET 6. یکی خواهند شد

As part of our .NET unification, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android will become part of .NET 6 as .NET for iOS and .NET for Android. Because these bindings are projections of the SDKs shipped from Apple and Google, nothing changes there, however build tooling, target framework monikers, and runtime framework monikers will be updated to match all other .NET 6 workloads. Our commitment to keeping .NET developers up-to-date with the latest mobile SDKs is foundational to .NET MAUI and remains firm. When .NET 6 ships, we expect to ship a final release of Xamarin SDKs in their current form that will be serviced for a year. All modern work will at that time shift to .NET 6. 

قسمت‌های مختلف Xamarin با NET 6. یکی خواهند شد
6.1 PowerShell Core متشر شد.

PowerShell Core is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation and configuration tool/framework 

6.1 PowerShell Core متشر شد.
نظرات مطالب
EF Code First #4
ممنونم از راهنماییتون.
با این کار فایل Configuration ایجاد میشه ولی اون فایل دوم ایجاد نمیشه . وقتی بقیه دستورات رو هم اجرا میکنم(Update-datebase و ...) هم خطای 
An error occurred while getting provider information from the database. This can be caused by Entity Framework using an incorrect connection string. Check the inner exceptions for details and ensure that the connection string is correct. 
 رو میده .
تو فایل app.config ،هم Connection string رو اضافه کردم ولی باز هم همین خطا رو میده!
بررسی زبان Go برای توسعه دهندگان #C

A Tour of Go (golang) for the C# Developer

Learning other programming languages enhances our work in our primary language. From the perspective of a C# developer, the Go language (golang) has many interesting ideas. Go is opinionated on some things (such as where curly braces go and what items are capitalized). Declaring an unused variable causes a compile failure; the use of "blank identifiers" (or "discards" in C#) are common. Concurrency is baked right in to the language through goroutines and channels. Programming by exception is discouraged; it's actually called a "panic" in Go. Instead, errors are treated as states to be handled like any other data state. We'll explore these features (and others) by building an application that uses concurrent operations to get data from a service. These ideas make us think about the way we program and how we can improve our day-to-day work (in C# or elsewhere).

0:00 Welcome to Go
2:40 Step 1: Basics
12:20 Step 2: Calling a web service
23:35 Step 3: Parsing JSON
36:26 Step 4: "for" loops
41:00 Step 5: Interfaces and methods
50:05 Step 6: Time and Args
55:10 Step 7: Concurrency
1:07:10 Step 8: Errors
1:14:40 Step 9: Concurrency and errors
1:24:35 Where to go next 

بررسی زبان Go برای توسعه دهندگان #C
نظرات مطالب
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