Angular 1.x: The plan forward - یادداشت های جلسات AngularJs

Angular 1.3 might be the best Angular yet, but there's still lots of high impact work to be done on the 1.x branch. We still have Material Design, our new router, and improved internationalization of Angular apps still to come ... 

The Angular 1.x project needs someone to be fully committed to keeping v1 moving forward, and supporting the Angular ecosystem that has grown around it.

That's why I'm delighted that Pete Bacon Darwin has agreed to take over the leadership role for Angular v1.  

But Pete can't do this alone. He needs Brian, Caitlin, and Chirayu to help make v1 even more awesome. Jeff will help out with google3 sync and releases, and familiar faces like Matias Niemela and Pawel Kozlowski (who co-wrote one of the first books on Angular with Pete) will be ongoing contributors. We're also looking forward to meeting new faces. Over time, some of these folks will shift their focus towards Angular 2, but for the immediate future, what's most important is that Angular 1.x is and continues to be well taken care of.  

Angular 1.x: The plan forward - یادداشت های جلسات AngularJs
Bootstrap 4.1.1 منتشر شد

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the changes:

  • Added validation styles for file inputs
  • Improved printing of dark tables
  • Suppressed that text-hide deprecation notice by default
  • Fixed an issue where Collapse wasn’t working in Internet Explorer
  • Cleaned up some JS globals and improve coverage
  • Bumped dependencies, namely Jekyll
  • Fixed docs issue with incorrect name for our monospace font utility 
Bootstrap 4.1.1 منتشر شد
سکوی کاری آزمون‌های واحد ویژوال استودیو سورس باز شد

VSTest is a very extensible unit test execution framework.  The base engine, discovers tests and runs them.  It can parallelize across cores, provides process isolation and can integrate with Visual Studio.  It has extensibility for different test frameworks, code coverage, test impact analysis, data collection, test result reporting and much more. 

سکوی کاری آزمون‌های واحد ویژوال استودیو سورس باز شد
DNX چیست؟

DNX, a Dot Net eXecution environment, contains all of the code that is required to bootstrap and run an application.

DNX چیست؟
انتشار Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6 Preview 1

GitHub Issues

The GitHub Issues integration allows you to search and reference your issues from the commit message box in VS, in response to this suggestion ticket. You can reference an issue or a pull request by typing # or clicking on the # button in the lower right side of the commit message text box. If you weren't already authenticated to access related issues, you will now be prompted to sign in to take advantage of this feature.

Line Unstaging

To continue improving our line-staging (aka interactive staging) feature, we've added unstage. You can now use the tool tip option to unstage changes, line by line, as requested here Unstage individual lines and hunks in a file - 4 votes


We continue to build native support for Arm64 on Windows 11 for the most popular developer scenarios. We now support the .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) workload on Arm64 Visual Studio.


  • Available as a preview feature, you can now view Unreal Engine logs without leaving VS. To see the logs from the Unreal Engine Editor, click View > Other Windows > UE Log. To filter your logs, click on the "Categories" or "Verbosity" dropdowns. Since this is an experimental feature, feedback is greatly appreciated.
  • You can now import STM32CubeIDE projects for embedded development within Visual Studio with File > Open > Import STM32CubeIDE project. This generates a CMake project with device flashing and debugging settings for STLink. You must have the STM32CubeIDE installed with the board support package for your device. More details available here.
  • You can use the new CMake Debugger to debug your CMake scripts at build time. You can set breakpoints based on filenames, line numbers, and when CMake errors are triggered. Additionally, you can view call stacks of filenames and watch defined variables. Currently, this only works with bundled CMake, and projects targeting WSL or remote machines are not supported yet. We are actively working to add more support to the CMake debugger, and feedback is greatly appreciated. 
انتشار Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6 Preview 1
پیاده سازی معماری تمیز در asp.net core با استفاده از تاپ‌ترین تکنولوژی‌ها و رعایت اصول کدنویسی و معماری نرم افزار

: Technologies used
 Entity Framework Core
 Api Versioning
 Elasticsearch(for writing Logs)

: Software Development Best Practices used
 Clean Architecture
 Clean Code
 Solid Principles
 REST API Naming Conventions
 Use multiple environments in ASP.NET Core(Development,Production,Staging,etc)
 Modular Design
 Custom Exceptions
 Custom Exception Handling
 PipelineBehavior for Validation and Performance tracking
بهبود کارآیی قابل ملاحظه پس از ارتقاء از ASP.NET به ASP.NET Core 3.1
We're in the middle of migrating one of our biggest apps (5000+ servers) to .net core. In yellow is CPU usage for .net framework + asp.net. In green is .net core 3.1 + aspnetcore. We've migrated other apps but it's the first time we see such a dramatic improvement

بهبود کارآیی قابل ملاحظه پس از ارتقاء از ASP.NET به ASP.NET Core 3.1
نظرات مطالب
استفاده از کتابخانه‌های ثالث جاوا اسکریپتی در برنامه‌های AngularJS 2.0
KendoUI در اساس یک سری کامپوننت است که به صورت افزونه‌های jQuery تهیه شده‌اند (که به همراه فایل‌های تعاریف TypeScript هم هستند). بنابراین مطلب «روش استفاده‌ی از jQuery در برنامه‌های AngularJS 2.0» در مورد آن صادق است. همچنین تیم KendoUI به صورت اختصاصی در حال تهیه‌ی کامپوننت‌های مخصوص AngularJS 2.0 است: Kendo UI for Angular 2
در مورد این کامپوننت‌های ویژه در «Kendo UI R3'16 Release Webinar» یک دموی مفصل ارائه شده‌است.
نکته ها و ترفند هایی دربارهRazor Partial View

Partial views in ASP.NET MVC allow you to reuse and customise components to act like user controls. They consist of both code and markup. They are an idea that is easy to grasp but they have great potential for the more adventurous developer who is prepared to experiment. Dino Esposito explains 

نکته ها و ترفند هایی دربارهRazor Partial View