سرویس های gRPC در ASP.NET Core

Originally developed at Google, gRPC today is a remote procedure call (RPC) framework that has emerged as an alternative to RESTful and HTTP-based interfaces to connect remote components and specifically microservices. The new RPC framework was created in part to work with modern technologies such as HTTP/2 and Protobuf. 

سرویس های gRPC در ASP.NET Core
شروع و پایان پاسخگویی توسعه دهندگان کجاست ؟

Where does a developer's responsibility begin and end when it comes to managing the success of a product? This question has been nagging me for the better part of a year now, and I hope that expressing my thoughts will help cement my thoughts on that particular issue. I've been fortunate enough to work in many environments with varying levels of product responsibility. 

شروع و پایان پاسخگویی توسعه دهندگان کجاست ؟
اعتبارسنجی JSON با JSON-Schema

When you’re dealing with complex and structured data, you need to determine whether the data is valid or not. JSON-Schema is the standard of JSON documents that describes the structure and the requirements of your JSON data. In this two-part series, you’ll learn how to use JSON-Schema to validate data. 

اعتبارسنجی JSON با JSON-Schema
کتابخانه های برنامه های Front-End و معماری کامپوننت ها

Component architectures are an important part of ever modern front-end framework. In this article, I’m going to dissect Polymer, React, Rio.js, Vue.js, Aurelia and Angular 2 components. The goal is to make the commonalities between each solution obvious. Hopefully, this will convince you that learning one or the other isn’t all that complex, given that everyone has somewhat settled on a component architecture. 

کتابخانه های برنامه های Front-End و معماری کامپوننت ها
ابزاری برای weaving .net assemblies
Manipulating the IL of an assembly as part of a build requires a significant amount of plumbing code. This plumbing code involves knowledge of both the MSBuild and Visual Studio APIs. Fody attempts to eliminate that plumbing code through an extensible add-in model.  
ابزاری برای weaving .net assemblies
فایل‌های پروژه‌ها
- Fixed conflicts of default footer's font and default document's font.
- Added an optional parameter to DocumentPreferences.BackgroundImage method to specify the absolute position of the background's image.
- Enabled running in medium trust environment.
- Added PageTableAdded event. PageTableAdded Fires after each part of the MainTable has been added to the current page.
- Added CustomSummaryPerPagePdfReport sample to show how to use PageTableAdded event.

تمرکز اصلی در امکانات پیش روی Visual Studio بر DotNET Core میباشد

.NET Core, the reinvention of the Microsoft .NET Framework as an open source, cross-platform development choice, is a key focus of the upcoming features planned for the Visual Studio IDE.

In conjunction with .NET Standard -- a spec detailing what .NET APIs should be available on all .NET implementations -- .NET Core retains compatibility with .NET Framework, Xamarin and Mono while letting developers use Windows, macOS or Linux machines to code for mobile, cloud and embedded/IoT projects.

While still primarily driven by Microsoft dev teams, .NET Core is hosted on a GitHub repository and is supported by the .NET Foundation, an independent organization created by Microsoft three years ago to improve its open source development and collaboration.

Peeking at the Visual Studio Roadmap (updated last week) reveals .NET Core figures prominently in upcoming functionality for the IDE, both in the near-term and long:  

تمرکز اصلی در امکانات پیش روی Visual Studio بر DotNET Core میباشد
بازخوردهای پروژه‌ها
خطا در اجرای پروژه
در اجرای پروژه خطا دارم.
 Cannot open database "DecisionDB" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'xxxxx'.
Description:  An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 

Line 172:
Line 173: foreach (var role in from record in standardRoles
Line 174: let role = this.FindByName(record.RoleName)
Line 175: where role == null
Line 176: select new Role

Source File:  C:\Users\Majid\Desktop\Decision-master\src\Decision.ServiceLayer\EFServiecs\Users\ApplicationRoleManager.cs   Line:  174
کانکشن استرینگ رو در فایل وب کانفیگ به شکل زیر قرار دادم:
 <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=DecisionDB;Integrated Security = true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
نظرات اشتراک‌ها
مراحل تکامل یک برنامه نویس
خیلی باحاله.
فکر کنم من دقیقا این مراحل رو طی کردم. و حدودا در سال یازدهم هستم و اواخر سال گذشته دقیقا به همون مرحله رسیدم :)