استفاده از React و TypeScript
An introduction to the development of React applications with Atom and TypeScript.
We are about to develop the famous TODO App from the TodoMVC project using React and TypeScript.
استفاده از React و TypeScript
خداحافظی Microsoft Edge با React
How Microsoft Edge Is Replacing React With Web Components

Microsoft's Edge browser team is on a mission to swap out React UI components with native web platform components. We speak to the team lead.
خداحافظی Microsoft Edge با React
ایده گرفتن از قسمت‌های خوب Domain Driven Design

Domain Driven Design: The Good Parts

The greenfield project started out so promising. Instead of devolving into big ball of mud, the team decided to apply domain-driven design principles. Ubiquitous language, proper boundaries, encapsulation, it all made sense.
But along the way, something went completely and utterly wrong. It started with arguments on the proper way of implementing aggregates and entities. Arguments began over project and folder structure. Someone read a blog post that repositories are evil, and ORMs the devil incarnate. Another read that relational databases are last century, we need to store everything as a stream of events. Then came the actor model and frameworks that sounded like someone clearing their throat. Instead of a nice, clean architecture, the team chased the next new approach without ever actually shipping anything.
Beyond the endless technical arguments it causes, domain-driven design can actually produce great software. We have to look past the hype into the true value of DDD, what it can bring to our organizations and how it can enable us to build quality systems. With the advent of microservices, DDD is more important than ever - but only if we can get to the good parts. 

ایده گرفتن از قسمت‌های خوب Domain Driven Design
Blazor در مقابل React

A comparison of Blazor and React when it comes to modern web development—a review of the pros and cons. 

Blazor در مقابل React
ترجمه کتاب The-Road-to-learn-React

کتاب The-Road-to-learn-React 

نویسنده : روبین ویروش

ترجمه :زهره زارعی نژاد

ویراستار : سید علی اصغر رئیس زاده

ترجمه کتاب The-Road-to-learn-React
ارائه ReactJS Native
 React Native for Android has been released by Facebook, providing Android developers with a way to create apps in JavaScript. 
ارائه ReactJS Native
تعدادی Good Practices در برنامه های ASP.NET MVC

#1: Project Folders and Namespaces

#2 Initial Configuration

#3 Bundling and Minifying CSS Files

#4 Bundling and Minifying Script Files

#5 The Structure of the _Layout File

#6 (Don’t) Use Twitter Bootstrap

#7 Keep Controllers Thin

#8 Membership and Identity

#9 Expose HTTP Endpoints

#10 Use Display Modes 

تعدادی Good Practices در برنامه های ASP.NET MVC