Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5.2 منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
معماری میکروسرویس‌ها
در واقع میکرو سرویس یک نسل پیشرفته از روی SOA  می باشد 
طبق تعریف microservice از زبان جناب martin fowler
In short, the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralised management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage
که بصورت خلاصه سبک معماری میکرو سرویس یک رویکرد به توسعه یک برنامه واحد به عنوان مجموعه ای از خدمات کوچک می‌باشد که هر برنامه در پروسس خود اجرا می‌شود و اغلب از طریق مکانیسم‌های برقراری ساده  همانند api  های HTTP با بقیه ارتباط برقرار می‌کند. این خدمات در سراسر کسب و کار ساخته شده است و به طور مستقل و بطور اتوماتیک استقرار می‌یابد (مثلا با BuildScript  ها  Deplloy Script‌ها ). در این سرویس‌ها حداقل مدیریت متمرکز وجود دارد، و این بدین معنی می‌باشد که هر کدام می‌توانند با زبان برنامه نویسی مختلف نوشته شوند و حتی دیتابیس ذخیره سازی متفاوت داشته باشند .
طراحی دیتابیس یک Workflow Engine

In this series, we're going to walk through the database design of our Workflow app and show each part of the solution was implemented, and finally how they were all wired together 

طراحی دیتابیس یک Workflow Engine
سخت افزار Nick Craver از برنامه نویسان ارشد Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow Developer Desktop Build - 2017

One of the things we're big on at Stack Exchange is hardware - we love it. More importantly, we love not waiting on it. With that in mind, we upgrade our developer machines every 2 years. In case it helps anyone else, I'm posting our current parts list here. This isn't set in stone, we review and update it to the latest tech every time we build a machine. We also customize the build for each developer if needed - for example those needing extra space or specific display connections, etc. I'll try and keep this page updated as we make changes


سخت افزار Nick Craver از برنامه نویسان ارشد  Stack Overflow
ویندوزهای خود را به روز رسانی کنید؛ رفع 108 مشکل امنیتی

Microsoft has released April Patch Tuesday, security updates with a total of 108 vulnerabilities in the family of Windows operating systems and related products. In the release by Microsoft, 19 were rated as Critical and 89 as Important. Six Chromium Edge vulnerabilities released earlier this month have not been included in these numbers. 

ویندوزهای خود را به روز رسانی کنید؛ رفع 108 مشکل امنیتی
نظرات مطالب
استفاده از shim و stub برای mock کردن در آزمون واحد


(نوع stub همانند فریم ورک mock می‌باشد )

تعریفی که از stup تو راهنماش اومده با مطلبی که شما ذکر کردید متفاوته

Martin Fowler’s article Mocks aren’t Stubs compares and contrasts the underlying principles of Stubs and Mocks. As outlined in Martin Fowler’s article, a stub provides static canned state which results in state verification of the system under test, whereas a mock provides a behavior verification of the results for the system under test and their indirect outputs as related to any other component dependencies while under test

ساخت بازی با WinForms

Make a top down zombie shooter game in windows form and C#
How to make a mario style side scrolling game in windows form and c#
How to make a Helicopter Shooting Game in Windows form and C#

ساخت بازی با WinForms