ایجاد پروژه های Portable با استفاده از NET Core 3.0

A self-contained app is a great way to share your application as all components, runtime, and framework are included with the application. All you have to provide is the application .exe file without worrying about the presence of framework or runtime installation status on other machines. 

ایجاد پروژه های Portable با استفاده از NET Core 3.0
C# 7 - Ref Returns and Ref Locals
نگاهی به مراحل تکامل زبان #C

Since its original release in 2002, C# has been regularly updated with new features. Today, we will look at the most important new features of each major language version and explore how the C# code we have been writing, has evolved through years.  

نگاهی به مراحل تکامل زبان #C
Json.NET 8.0 منتشر شد

To reduce allocations and memory usage when serializing Json.NET 8.0 adds a new IArrayPool interface. Json.NET is already very lean when it comes to allocations, working with raw characters on array buffers instead of allocated strings, but those buffers can easily grow large, and a new buffer is created each time JSON is read or written. IArrayPool allows array buffers to be reused, similar to connection pooling with a database, or thread pooling in .NET. 

Json.NET 8.0 منتشر شد
بررسی Virtual events در #C

Do not declare virtual events in a base class and override them in a derived class. The C# compiler does not handle these correctly, and it is unpredictable whether a subscriber to the derived event will actually be subscribing to the base class event 

بررسی Virtual events در #C
ASP.NET Core و سازمان‌ها

However, it is clear that Microsoft’s future direction is in the Core space . Yes, the last update to the full .NET framework did include improvements for ASP.NET and WebForms, but clearly the future innovation and hard work will be in the new core frameworks like .NET core, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework core, and whatever other cores come along in the future. 

ASP.NET Core و سازمان‌ها