کنفرانس NET Conf: Focus on Windows. تا 17 روز دیگر

.NET Conf: Focus on Windows is a free, one-day livestream event that features speakers from the community and Microsoft teams working on Windows desktop apps and making them fantastic on the latest .NET 5. Learn why and how to upgrade WPF and Windows Forms apps to .NET 5, see Visual Studio tooling improvements, learn how to leverage cloud services from your client apps, and a whole lot more. You'll also see what the future of native device development with .NET will look like in .NET 6.  

کنفرانس NET Conf: Focus on Windows. تا 17 روز دیگر
سایت Learn Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is the latest version of Microsoft's recommended data access technology for applications based on the .NET Core framework. It has been designed to be lightweight, extensible and to support cross platform development. 

سایت Learn Entity Framework Core
نظرات اشتراک‌ها
گپ و گفتی با مهندسان طراح دات نت در مورد آینده این فریم ورک

Q: What's the near-term roadmap for .NET tooling?

A: While tentative, here are some short term plans:

  • Sep 2016 – Preview 3 of VS 2015 with early .CSProj support for .NET Core
  • Nov 2016 – .NET Core 1.2, ASP.NET Core 1.2, Entity Framework Core 1.2, SignalR, .NET Standard 2.0, etc.  
به نظرم این زمانبندی ای که داده اصلا درست نیست اولا که قبلا این موارد برای 2017 برنامه ریزی شده بود خصوصا سیگنال آر ثانیا الان NET Standard ورژنش 1.6 چطور تا چندماه این همه میخواد ترقی رتبه کنه ! ثالثا هنوز زمان بندی‌ها تو گیت هاب مثل گذشته است فکر نکنم بشه روی این مطلب حساب کرد
کسی در مورد زمانبندی‌ها اطلاعات جدیدی داره ؟
در کل امیدوارم من اشتباه کنم !
شروع به کار بر روی NET 5.0.

Various .NET Core repos have switched their master branches to "5.0", and will use 3.x branches for 3.0 and 3.1 projects. This is very similar to how we approached 2.x and 3.0 projects. As context, master branches produced 3.0 builds for the entire period of the 2.2 project. 

شروع به کار بر روی NET 5.0.