آموزش رایگان برنامه نویسی Full-Stack به زبان فارسی

C#.NET for non-engineers.

The first course of "A Sr. Developer Course" courses. which contains:
1- C# Fundamentals for non-engineers.
2- DataBase for non-engineers.
3- Asp.NET WebForm for Non-engineers.
4- Application Architecture for no-engineers.
5- ASP.NET MVC for non-engineers.
6- Angular for non-engineers.

This is a course for who knows noting about C# and development if you know nothing about Array, variable, loop, and conditions you are in the right place.
at the end of this course, we will create one small university registration console application together.

You will learn in this course:
.NET Framework
Recursive methods
C# Primitive Types/Complex Types
switch case
if statement
Creating a method
ref, out
OOP/Object-oriented programing
Error handling
working with files

level: beginners to upper intermediate 

آموزش رایگان برنامه نویسی Full-Stack به زبان فارسی
نقص در NET Core 2.1. پشتیبانی نسخه 2.0 به تاخیر افتاد

Microsoft has announced that the .NET Core 2.0 will be considered "end of life" and thus no longer supported as of October 1, 2018.  .NET Core 2.0 is considered a non-LTS release, and as such Microsoft only commits its support for three months after a successor has been released.  In this case, with .NET Core 2.1 having been released May 31, .NET Core 2.0’s end has come. 

نقص در NET Core 2.1. پشتیبانی نسخه 2.0 به تاخیر افتاد
بهبودهای WPF در NET 4.6.1.

With the 4.6.1 RC we have added support for WPF to recognize custom dictionaries registered globally. This capability is available in addition to the ability to register them per-control. Also, custom dictionaries in the previous versions of WPF had no affordance for Excluded Words and AutoCorrect lists. On Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, these scenarios are now enabled through the use of files that can be placed under %AppData%\Microsoft\Spelling\<language tag>.

بهبودهای WPF در NET 4.6.1.
7 دلیل برای انتقال کدهای ++C به Visual Studio 2017

Come learn the top 7 reasons to use Visual Studio 2017 if you are a C++ developer. Whether you are using the product and are looking to upgrade, or you never used it before but you are considering it now, join us to discover how Visual Studio 2017 raises the bar in terms of C++ productivity. From C++ standards conformance to coding productivity, cross-platform development for Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS and CMake support, these are only a few of the topics we discuss in this demo-packed session. 

7 دلیل برای انتقال کدهای ++C به Visual Studio 2017
مقایسه ORMهای EF6 و EF Core با XPO شرکت Devexpress

We recently published a BenchmarkDotNet-based benchmark on GitHub: https://github.com/DevExpress/XpoNetCoreDemos/tree/master/ORMBenchmark.

We used it to test the performance of the following Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) libraries for .NET Framework 4.6.1 and higher:

مقایسه ORMهای EF6 و EF Core با XPO شرکت Devexpress
بررسی روش های توسعه asp.net core بر روی GCP

Now that you can run your .NET Core apps on GCP in a supported fashion, the question becomes what’s the best way to get your apps there? In a nutshell, there are four basic methods for deploying an ASP.NET Core app to GCP, depending on your target environment:

بررسی روش های توسعه asp.net core بر روی GCP
دوره 3 ساعت و نیمه Asp.Net Core SignalR

Asp.Net Core WebSockets Vs SignalR. Which should you use? (Full Course)

In this video we build 2 separate chat applications, one using Asp.Net Core WebSockets and the other using SignalR, allowing you to compare approaches and decide on which one works best for you. In both cases we build them with C#, .NET Core and JavaScript. You’ll also learn about:

- .NET Core Request Pipeline
- Request Delegates
- Asynchronous Programming in .NET (Async / Await)
- Introduction to Dependency Injection  

دوره 3 ساعت و نیمه Asp.Net Core SignalR